Youth-led Acts of Good (Free Report) |
by Kushal Naharki | 09-05-2020 19:36 0 |
Covid19 Update from Nepal
Nepal has 109 confirmed case of Nepal. There are currently 78 COVID-19 active cases in where 31 have as already recovered. Total 15,492 PCR test done till may8. The lockdown has been further extended to May18. [Source: MoHP] About ¡°Youth-led Acts of Good¡± The ¡°Youth-led Acts of Good¡± campaign is a call to action for: All young people to commit one act of good between now and May 15 that combats the impact of COVID-19 on your community. All youth-serving organizations to share one tool, resource, or action that young people can use to take action in their own communities to combat the impact of the COVID-19 virus. ¡°Acts of Good¡± shared with the YouthLead network between now and May 15 will be featured on our ¡°Youth-led Acts of Good Page,¡± which is aimed at highlighting the role of young people as leaders for positive change around the world, and through social media. What are ¡°Acts of Good¡±? The impacts of COVID-19 are widespread and affect nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Despite those challenges, there are countless possible acts of good that can be done from home: Educate: Organize a virtual meet-up to educate your peers about an issue that is important to you, including sharing facts about the COVID-19 virus by sharing YouthLead resources or helping a child who is out of school read or study. Support: Reach out to friends, family, or members of your community who have been especially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This support could include helping with outside chores or dropping off food for a neighbor impacted by the virus. Volunteer: Assist a local organization responding to issues in your community by working to combat hunger, unemployment, homelessness, or other issues that are personally important to you. Create: Develop a service project designed to respond to the challenge. This project could include setting up a simple hand-washing station in the town center or making masks to prevent the spread of the virus and sharing them with friends and neighbors. You can pledge at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YLActsofGood For further details: https://www.youthlead.org/events/take-pledge-youth-led-acts-good My Pledge My tweet: I took the #YLActsofGood Pledge. I pledge to educate people on Covid19 #StopTheSpread And keep my environment clean, green and safe. Participate and share your #YouthLedActsofGood @youthleadglobal @USAID @YPLearning @Eco_gen #YLActsofGood #YLNepal You can view my tweet at: https://twitter.com/KUSHALNAHARKI11/status/1258990991832276992?s=19 I pledge to keep my environment clean and green partcipating in eco activities online and locally safely. Here are few ways you can connect with nature during this pandemic: 1. Explore your enthusiasm towards nature and express yourself at global environmental platform like Tunza EcoGeneration 2. You can watch environment related movies, series and documentaries. Few of my movie recommendation will be a. Avatar b.Revanant c. Wall E d. Finding Dory 3. Learn new activities like composting, integrated pest management, waste mangement, reuse, recycle 4. Keep your locality clean and green 5. Build kitchen garden and flower garden at your house. Stay Safe !!! Stay Green !!!! |
Thank you very much Mentor
Posted 20-05-2020 06:29
Hi Kushal Naharki, this is a mentor Sang Su Lee.
When reading your articles, I can realize that you are doing so many beneficial works for the world. With the action of people like you, the world can overcome the crisis. 'Acts of Good' seems a really good campaign. I hope this campaign becomes widespread!!
Thank you for sharing this!
Posted 20-05-2020 00:40
Thank you @Balkrishna dai
Posted 13-05-2020 18:26
Hello Kushal,
Thanks for this report about Acts of good.
you have adopted very environment friendly habits
thanks forinspiration.
Posted 13-05-2020 17:45
We can overcome this crisis mentor
Posted 11-05-2020 21:30
Hello Kushal Naharki, this is mentor Taehyun!
Thank you for the article! I think it was a good article to find out why the role of young people in the Corona virus is important! Young people's efforts are important, but I hope everyone can overcome this crisis with cooperation and unselfishness!
Green cheers!
Posted 11-05-2020 19:58
Thank you @Sonika
Posted 10-05-2020 18:07
Wow ! Its great initiation !
Thanks for sharing!
Posted 10-05-2020 15:29
Thank you Sandhya
Posted 10-05-2020 12:27
Thank you Asmita
Posted 10-05-2020 12:27
Hey Kushal dai,
Thanks for letting us know about the commitment that you are doing to help the people,
Your initiative for the piublic health is truly praise worthy,
Keep writing,
Posted 10-05-2020 03:11
Greetings kushal dai
I hope you are doing well
Great steps and admirable pledges.
Thank you so much for this report
Keep writing
Green cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 10-05-2020 03:09