BioDiversity E Café: Health, Food and Biodiversity (Campaign) (Free Report) |
by Kushal Naharki | 20-05-2020 01:12 0 |
BioDiversity E Café May 20th: Health, Food and Biodiversity Another important benefit that we obtain from biodiversity is that it provides us with food and medicine. Did you know that pollinators affect 35 percent of global agricultural land? Introduction: Biodiversity is key for food security and nutrition; and contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 1 on poverty eradication and Goal 2 on zero hunger. Food systems depend on biodiversity and the ecosystem services that support agricultural productivity, soil fertility, and water quality and supply. For example, pollination is one of the most important mechanisms in the maintenance and promotion of biodiversity and life on Earth. Pollinators and pollination are critical for food production and human livelihoods, and directly link wild ecosystems with agricultural production systems. The soil¡¯s ecosystem (microorganisms and invertebrates) are also critical for food security. Resources: Assessment Report on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production https://ipbes.net/assessment-reports/pollinators Video: People, Plants and Pollinators | Nat Geo Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmL_XTrPOMw Saying: This is the beginning of a difficult process of the protection of bees and other pollinators. We must do more than just talk, we should undertake concrete activities to increase care for bees and promote the development of beekeeping everywhere - Dejan Židan Former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia, and the head of the World Bee Day project Did you know? May 20th is celebrated as World Bee Day. This day is celebrated since 2018 Fact: Pollinators such as bees, birds and bats affect 35 percent of the world's crop production, increasing outputs of 87 of the leading food crops worldwide, plus many plant-derived medicines. Pollination is estimated to be worth USD235 to USD577 billion annually to global crop production. References: https://www.worldbeeday.org/en/ https://www.un.org/en/observances/bee-day |
Thank you Sang Su Mentor
Posted 25-05-2020 22:26
Hi Kushal Naharki, this is a mentor Sang Su Lee.
By reading your article, I realized that every part of ecosystem is really valuable and therefore humans should learn how to cooperate with other animals. Thank you for your series, I'm enjoying reading them.
Green Cheers!
Posted 25-05-2020 19:36
Thank you Mentor
Posted 24-05-2020 02:27
Hello Kushal Naharki, this is mentor Taehyun!
I'm really interested in the fact that you posted so many different series projects while being quarantined by the Corona virus! I read about biodiversity days and bees in writing again, and I enjoyed reading them because there was so much useful information! I'll look forward to your future planning series!
Thank you for the report!
Green cheers!
Posted 24-05-2020 02:16
Thank you Samikshya
Posted 22-05-2020 19:34
Thanks for sharing your report .
Keep writing!!
Posted 22-05-2020 19:07
Welcome Sonika
Posted 20-05-2020 23:05
Thanks for sharing!
Posted 20-05-2020 21:50
Thank you Manisha
Posted 20-05-2020 19:56
Thank you Balkrishna dai
Posted 20-05-2020 19:56
Nice report!
Posted 20-05-2020 18:24
HELLO Kushal,
This is Bal krishna Pandey from Nepal.Thank you for this amazing content
Biodiversity e cafe sounds interesting
Posted 20-05-2020 17:32