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{free report} Effects of climate change in less developed regions

by Fernanda pioli macedo | 08-06-2020 01:43 recommendations 0

All regions are likely to experience some adverse effects of climate change, but less developed regions are especially vulnerable because a large share of their economies depend on climate-sensitive sectors and their adaptive capacity is low due to low levels of human, financial and natural resources, as well as limited institutional and technological capability.1 Experts say that, rural population that depends on natural resources and agriculture, are more exposed to climate change consequences, due to the vulnerabilities that they have already face such as poverty, low education levels, lack of investments and more isolated and harder to reach. 

An important attention should be given to small island states around the world are particularly vulnerable to sea level rise because in many cases (the Bahamas, Kiribati, the Maldives and the Marshall Islands) much of their land is less than three or four metres above present sea level.2

Climate change can contribute to emerge new infectious diseases, especially those related to warmer areas and climates, one example is malaria. It also, increases national conflicts for basic resources like food, water, energy and employment, those local tensions can spill over to neighboring countries, as people seek to find additional resources and safety. In some war and violent conflicts, environmental degeneration can emerge as a "natural' consequence and also can be applied as a strategy by one of the involved parts. In those cases what lead the local population to migrate is a conflict consequenceAccording to the Fragile States Index of The Fund for Peace, the Horn of Africa includes some of the most vulnerable states in the world – Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Sudan and South Sudan. The region also exhibits some clearest indications of a connection between climate change and conflict – namely, conflicts between agricultural and pastoral communities precipitated by climate-exacerbated droughts and water variability. 3


[1] IOM 2008 World Migration 2008, Managing Labour Mobility in the Evolving Economy, IOM, Geneva. 

[2] Climate Change and Small Island Developing StatesA Critical Review http://ilankelman.org/articles1/eea2009.pdf 

[3] Climate change raises conflict concerns  https://en.unesco.org/courier/2018-2/climate-change-raises-conflict-concerns 


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  • Dormant user Fernanda pioli macedo
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  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Fernanda pioli macedo, this is a mentor, Sang Su Lee.

    As I am reading your article, I could remind the line from the movie, "Parasite," that "the natural disaster causes the unfair impacts on different classes of people." Actually those who are affected the most severely are those who are in the bottom of the classes. Developing countries have poor facilities to combat climate change and unfortunately would be influenced in an undesirable way the most.

    Therefore, it is imperative to cooperate. Rich countries have duties to help the poor countries because they have responsibilities of changing the global climate.

    Green Cheers!~
    Posted 30-06-2020 02:03

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Fernanda!

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Effects of climate change in less developed regions

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 18-06-2020 21:16

  • Bal krishna Pandey says :
    Hello Fernanda,
    i hope you are staying safe and healthy.
    I can relate your report with Nepal's climate sensetive sectors like agriculture and Economy. Also, you mentioned climate change with infectious diseases not only human beings but also the other mammals are also affected. mosquitos are travelling to upper region where they have never seen before.
    Thanks for your great article.
    Green cheers
    Posted 17-06-2020 11:50

  • Malika Rustamova says :
    Thanks for useful article. Agree that less developed countries- the most valuable. I think developed countries should more help them. Hope their economy will rise and will be paid attention to the ecology.
    Posted 12-06-2020 19:23

  • Aarati Khatri says :
    Hello Fernanda,
    Warm greetings, Hope you are doing fine there.
    As one of the bonafide citizen of Country Nepal, which is a developing country, I can relate every part of your report with with the existing scenario of the country. Nepal is also very vulnerable to climate change crisis and has effected various sector of Health, agriculture, economics and many more.
    Thank you for sharing your report,
    Green cheers.
    Posted 11-06-2020 12:39

  • Alan Portocarrero says :
    Hello Fernanda,
    totally right when you report claims that rural areas are more likely to suffer from climate change consequences. For example I live in IQUITOS, a rural city in the amazon and many families need from Nature to live. However, those time climate change is affecting many sector of money-making such as agriculture areas. I enjoyed reading your report.
    Green regards,
    Posted 10-06-2020 09:10

  • sandesh thapa says :
    Hello fernanda,

    hope you are safe and healthy there. developing countries do not have separate budget plans for climate change adaptations which is likely to make them suffer much more.

    thanks fro sharing this report.

    Posted 09-06-2020 23:57

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Fernanda pioli macedo, this is mentor Taehyun!

    There could be a lot of negative effects, such as poor harvests from climate change and the emergence of new infectious diseases, but I think the most affected part is rising sea levels. Studies show that when all of the Earth's glaciers melt, sea levels rise by 72 meters. In that situation, developing countries in low-lying areas are likely to suffer tremendous damage. For the sake of such a country, I should practice my life habit of thinking about the Earth.

    Thank you for the report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 09-06-2020 17:55

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Hey Fernand,

    I do hope you are fine there and doing great with your works,

    Climate change has the major impact on the developing country, outbreak of diseases, food insecurity are the major effect of climate change in the developing countries,

    Nepal has also suffered more due to the climate change.

    Keep writing,

    Looking forward to read more from you,


    Posted 09-06-2020 17:05

  • Heemani Singh says :
    Hello Fernand
    I hope you are doing fine and great
    Thanks for sharing your report
    Posted 09-06-2020 10:29

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Fernanda!

    I hope you are fine and doing great!

    Yeah,developing country are more prone to climate change due to lack of adaptive measures against climate change,so is Nepal.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Posted 08-06-2020 22:11

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