[Free Report] The Ecological Footprint |
by Seyoung Kwon | 16-06-2020 19:36 0 |
Recently, I¡¯ve written a short research paper on the correlation of the ecological footprint (EF) and human development index (HDI), which I found out that the EF generally decreases as HDI increases yet developed countries are the main causes of high EF. As the EF is a great measurement of sustainability, I¡¯d like to introduce its concept and some ways to reduce it. The ecological footprint is ¡°the area of land and water required to sustainably provide all resources at the rate at which they are being consumed by a given population¡±, indicating sustainability of a country or a region. Expressed in global hectare, the EF is specified into six different groups: built-up land, forest, cropland, grazing land, fisheries, and carbon footprint. Currently, humanity is using the equivalent of 1.75 planets to sustain its lifestyle yearly, and the increasing EF has reached a point where the bioproductive area of the Earth is no longer sufficient to satisfy the demands. Then, what brings about a high EF? The major cause of the EF is carbon emission from fossil fuels, comprising 60% of the world EF. At the same time, carbon is the most rapidly growing factor as shown in figure 1. Considering carbon emission from coal has been in decline, the increase of carbon should be seen as a serious problem. One of its contributors is urbanization. With the 60% increase in 1970, urban population has been rapidly expanding, indicating shifts in their lifestyle towards relatively un-sustainable (it doesn¡¯t necessarily mean it always does but normally), which eventually caused more carbon. This was even intensified as the world population is now reaching 7.9 billion. The major causes of the EF are national or global, so it seems like we can¡¯t really help with it. In fact, the tiny efforts we put can change this planet! First, you can use renewable energy. Energy sector is the largest cause of greenhouse gas emission. If you have enough budget and your situation allows, you can install a solar panel or even buy a self-electric generator. Also, you can recycle responsibly. It will reduce waste of landfill, water, resources and contamination of water, air and land. Lastly, you can use public transportations or drive leas. By reducing pollutants from your car, you can conserve the environment and become healthier! I hope this article helped your understanding of the ecological footprint and how we can reduce it. Figure 1. World Ecological Footprint by Land Type
¡°Data and Methodology.¡±; Data and Methodology; Global Footprint Network, 2019, https://www.footprintnetwork.org/content/uploads/2019/05/2019-world-EF-landtype.jpeg.
Work Cited Galli et al. ¡°Humanity¡¯s Growing Ecological Footprint: Sustainable Development Implications.¡± Brief for GSDR 2015, Global Footprint Network, 2015, sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/5686humanitysgrowingecologicalfootprint.pdf. ¡°Urban Population (% of Total Population).¡± United Nations Population Division, The World Bank Group, 2018, data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.URB.TOTL.IN.ZS. ¡°Ecological Footprint.¡± Global Footprint Network, Global Footprint Network, www.footprintnetwork.org/our-work/ecological-footprint/. Ilacsd. ¡°8 Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint.¡± I Love A Clean San Diego, 26 Mar. 2020, www.ilacsd.org/2017/04/27/8-ways-to-reduce-your-ecological-footprint/. |
Hello Seyoung Kwon, this is mentor Taehyun!
Thank you for your article on the correlation between ecological footprints and the Human Development Index and how to reduce ecological footprints! I think the way to reduce ecological footprint is very obvious! However, it doesn't always seem easy to use renewable energy entirely or maintain an environmentally friendly lifestyle, as is self-evident. However, we seem to need to make a decision because we are getting closer to that timing, which is absolutely necessary, regardless of whether it's easy or difficult.
Thank you for the report!
Green cheers!
Posted 28-06-2020 02:14
Hello Seyoung
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about The Ecological Footprint
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 18-06-2020 20:53
I do hope you are all good..
Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!
It was quite interesting as well as informative to go through it..
hope to know more from you..
Green cheers
Jasmine karki
Posted 17-06-2020 23:16
I've read all your recent reports and I can say you've made a great work!
Posted 17-06-2020 18:41
thanks very much for your report about ecological footprint.and human development index.
Renewable energy usage must be approached worldwide. Tha nks for the tips to maintain our ecology.
Green cheers!
Posted 17-06-2020 11:46