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[Free report] Wild Herbivores and Threat in conservation

by Bal krishna Pandey | 07-08-2020 19:57 recommendations 0

This report provides a brief overview of the major large wildlife herbivores habitats in Nepal, the challenges to conservation and the initiatives being taken to save them.

Asian Elephant:

Habitat:  grasslands, riverine forest, mixed hardwood forest and agricultural areas.

 Main Threats

Habitat degradation and loss of corridor connectivity

Habitat shrinkage outside protected areas.

Human-wildlife conflict.

Potential risk of disease (Tuberculosis).



Habitat:  Tall floodplain grasslands and swampy areas, bordered by riverine woodlands sometimes extending to drier Sal or Terminamlia forests.

 Main Threats

Poaching for trade in body parts mainly horn.

Habitat degradation due to invasive plant species including Mikaniamicranthaand Lantana camara(grassland and riverineforests), Chromolaenaodorata(Sal forests), Eichhorniaand Pistiastratiotes(lakes and river systems).

Habitat Loss as a result of clearing for agriculture and livestock grazing and human encroachment.



Wild Water Buffalo:

Habitat: Availability of water, and prefer low-lying alluvial grasslands and riparian forests and woodlands.


Main Threats

¡¤       Inbreeding

¡¤       Natural disasters (for example, flooding causes widespread habitat degradation and        sweeps away individuals).

         Human-wildlife conflict.

         Food competition with domestic livestock.

         Hunting for subsistence.

         Disease transmission.

         Habitat degradation (including invasive plant species).

         Hybridization with domestic and/or feral buffalo.


Conservation Efforts:

Natural resources conservation

Sustainable livelihood program

Conservation education

Climate Change

Elephant TB surveillance & healthcare

Species conservation and breeding support

Human wildlife conflict management

Anti-poaching support

National capacity building





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  • Dormant user Bal krishna Pandey
  • recommend


  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Bal krishna Pandey, this is a mentor, Sang Su Lee.

    Thank you for listing some wild animals that undergo great threats. The common factors to threats that were noticeable are human impacts. People's greed really disturbs wild animals to thrive in the nature. We need to change our behaviors to live together, not live alone on the earth~!

    Green cheers!~
    Posted 17-08-2020 01:05

  • Shobita Neupane says :
    Hello Bal Krishna Pandey,
    You have always made big contribution to the sustainability. Thank you for the writing. Continue good work
    Posted 12-08-2020 17:42

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Bal krishna Pandey, this is mentor Taehyun!

    Thank you for writing an article about various wild animals in Nepal! I think we'll be able to help people, not forget, to keep them aware that they're constantly in danger and that we need help. Be careful of coronavirus and take care of your health.

    Thank you for the report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 10-08-2020 13:25

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello balkrishna bro

    Greetings and Namaste from Nepal
    Wishing you a safe stay
    Thank you for very informative report

    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.
    Green Cheers :)

    Best wishes,
    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 09-08-2020 21:46

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Informative one! Thanks for sharing dai!
    Posted 08-08-2020 23:42

  • Susma Thapa says :
    Hello dai,
    I hope you are fine and doing well,
    Thank you for your beautiful report,
    Keep on sharing, keep inspiring us,
    Thank you,
    Posted 08-08-2020 00:32

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Thank you so much for your report.

    Posted 07-08-2020 21:46

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