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What I find for six months

by Chaehyun Park | 10-08-2020 15:04 recommendations 0

Kim Nuri, a professor of German literature, said capitalism which is the main culprit of environmental pollution would erect 22th century. People think the direct damage from the environment will come to us in the future. Yes, it's about the future. But what's important is people regard the future far, far from now. Famous science fiction movies set the generation to 3000s. It reflects how the public considers when the disaster will cause. However, If anyone starts to have some interests in the environment, they would know right away we got little time. That's what Kim said. Watching Kim's lecture, said I "that reminds me!" I had been finding the reason why people don't cooperate in saving the environment though we plead for help. And that was people can't see with their own eyes what is going worse. Someone keeps saying the oceans' height is rasing, but we can't see it's coming up realistically. Someone keeps saying the average temperature of the earth is getting higher, but there's no problem even if wearing the same outer as yesterday. You, reading this, might think 'yeah, I know. obvious, boring' I did, too. That's why I'm writing this.
I thought everyone was awake and alert about the environment. So I told the new shocking facts of nature in my sight regardless of the person listening to me. Then I was curious why there was no response. I thought everyone would have panicked, just like me, but they weren't. 
I'll give you advice as an ambassador of Eco-generation for six months, when you want someone to have alertness about the environment, remember they are not interested in the planet as much as you. And don't expect they would feel the same moving like you. Lastly, the most important, if they look like feeling bored or sick of what you're saying, just let them go. That's not your fault. It's just that they're not ready yet.
But it's the last card. I'm not saying keep giving up until someone hears you sincerely. I'm going to introduce how I have a conversation about the environment after I realized it.
The mistakes that I made the most was level matching failure. I like numbers such as percentages, statistics and so on, because it has some power of trust. However, I realized most people don't, especially about an uninterested field. They want simple words and something easy to understand. Therefore it should be about daily life. For example, you should choose the talking topic as everyday things, not a new thesis about water shortage. 
Let's suppose you select a topic about shower, daily life thing. When saying reducing shower time by just one minute can save 12 liters of water, you have to make them feel it in their bones. Like, '12 liters of water is the same amount of 6 pets of 2 liters of coca-cola.' And make some response, 'If you and I start reducing the shower time, it's 24 liters! That's amazing.'  After this time, your friend's shower movement is going to rapid.
Some scholars say that individual efforts can no longer prevent this great crisis. In other words, the situation has deteriorated to the point where eco-friendly habits have become useless. But as I said, people don't care much about how the environment changes. For these people, small steps are needed, not a big deal like changing their car. Excessive demands from the beginning slow down the effect. Moreover, these scholars' opinions can make people lethargic.
I wanted to summarize what I learned for six months when I was active
 as an ambassador of Korea, while writing my last free report. I learned more than English writing skills. It's what I learned; How much I should gain information for one report, the responsibility felt ahead of the deadline, the urgency of our planet. It was six months that was so meaningful and informative to me. Also, I am glad that this time will be the manure to achieve my dream.
I apologize I couldn't post the thematic report of the prior month. My laptop hadn't work anymore, so I changed. I know it's just an excuse. I'm so sorry.  

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  • Dormant user Chaehyun Park
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greetings Chaehyun
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report
    Green cheers
    Keep writing
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 20-09-2020 21:10

  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Chaehyun Park, this is a mentor, Sang Su Lee.

    Although I am not that knowledgeable as the scholar is, I am pretty sure that humans can overcome this crisis because there is a precedent. Have you heard any news related to Ozone depletion recently? You might have not because humans endeavored so much to cover the ozone hole. It will be completely covered by 2030. Do you know the difference between ozone hole and global warming problem? It's the advertisement! Ozone hole problem is advertised so well that people could feel that this problem is really serious. However, global warming is not. As you've said, we cannot perceive the change not enough. But, 2020 is not! So many disasters are happening right now, warning that humans need to act for the safety of the earth. If this gets more serious, the earth will be extinct... I hope that's not happening.

    Green cheers~!
    Posted 25-08-2020 01:12

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :

    Greetings and Namaste from Nepal
    Wishing you a safe stay
    Thank you for your interesting report sharing your thoughts and finding.

    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.
    Green Cheers :)

    Best wishes,
    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 13-08-2020 22:22

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Thank you for the report!

    Posted 13-08-2020 15:11

  • Shobita Neupane says :
    Hello Chaehyun Park,

    Like your other report, this was also an informative piece. Thank you for the writing.
    Posted 12-08-2020 17:38

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Chaehyun Park, this is mentor Taehyun!

    So far, there have been many things I felt while reading because of the fact that I have been doing activities related to the environment. It's a great advice to consider the level of conversation, especially when telling people stories about the environment. I think this is something that people with expertise in a particular field should always consider when talking to people who don't. That's how important it is to think from the perspective of others. I'm impressed because you felt a lot of things during the 6 months of activities. I hope you will continue to struggle to protect your environment in your own way based on the many facts you've learned on this platform.

    Thank you for the report!

    Posted 10-08-2020 15:22

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