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Tematic report: Wastes and Environment

by Adan Ojeda Villa | 28-02-2021 06:25 recommendations 0

One of the main environmental problems we are currently facing is the pollution of the oceans, it is estimated that between 4 and 8 million tons of garbage are dumped into the oceans, of the total garbage in the sea, 70% is found on the seabed, 15% is floating and the rest is on the beaches. The contamination of solid waste in the ocean has a direct negative impact on the trophic networks of marine fauna since plastics is the main source of garbage contained in these sites. Factors such as solar radiation, physical, chemical, and biological disintegrate and fragment large plastics to form them into microscopic micro-plastics that are dispersed throughout the sea, one would expect that this plastic would disintegrate by these factors in its entirety, but it is not like that, it just turns into millions and millions of plastic particles. This is a real problem since marine species tend to eat them without realizing it and alters their development and feeding cycles and can cause diseases. Researchers estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

That is why on Friday, February 26, I organized a cleaning of the boardwalk and one of the most visited beaches in Puerto Vallarta, "Los Muertos" beach. This to raise awareness about the correct management of solid waste on the coasts. Call on the society to join this campaign via social networks and it had a good response, around 17 people joined this action, we met with all the prevention measures in the face of the current pandemic. I began by telling them about Tunza Eco-Generation and inviting them to participate in the calls that are constantly published, then I gave a talk about the impact of garbage on the beaches, the consequences it has, and how we can mitigate this environmental problem. After I delivered Tunza promotional products and everyone was very happy to receive them, I noticed an interest in the organization and what we do.

We start with the activity and clean approximately 1.7 kilometers between the beach and a neighboring street. The tourists who were in our path observed this action, I hope and have generated awareness about the correct handling of garbage on the beaches, we collect mostly plastics. We had to appreciate a beautiful sunset while we did the activity. In the end, we met in a circle again to thank them for taking the time to join this campaign, and I asked everyone to applaud them for participating, and I invited them again to continue participating in this type of action for the environment. Finally, we deposit all the garbage collected in the corresponding garbage containers so that the public cleaning services will take it to its final destination. I thank all the volunteers who joined this activity. Together we can make a change on the planet.

Consulted bibliography

ADDIN Mendeley Bibliography CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Basura marina. (2020). www.icm.csic.es

Sara Acuña. (2017). Basuras en playas: tendencias e influencias en la acumulación de residuos en zonas costeras a través de experiencias en ciencia ciudadana. http://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/article35098.html

 Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment Wastes and Environment

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  • Dormant user Adan Ojeda Villa
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Dolma Diki Sherpa

  • Dolma Diki Sherpa says :
    Greeting from Nepal

    It is great job to initiate this campaign. Keep conducting such campaign in your area.
    Keep writing such informative report in coming days.


    Posted 03-03-2021 12:44

  • SJ Mentor says :
    Hello Adan!
    It's your SJ mentor.

    I hope everything will come out all right.
    Thank you for writing an article about marine pollution and your efforts to overcome it.
    Marine pollution is at a very serious level because even garbage dumped on land is eventually flowed into the sea by water or wind.
    Also, like you said, plastic is split into smaller pieces and absorbed by living things.
    I am very proud of your efforts to clean the beach to protect the marine environment.
    I appreciate your action for introducing and promoting the Tunza community.

    Take care!

    Best regards,
    SJ mentor.
    Posted 02-03-2021 05:11

  • Mun WooJooMentor says :
    Hello Adan,
    this is your mentor WooJoo.

    Warm greetings from South Korea!
    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us.
    I remember that you shared many reports talking about the activities that you did in the beaches, such as saving little turtles, cleaning up etc.
    I am very proud of you and it is amazing that you keep doing such nice activities every time you have the chance.
    Also, the members that joined you should receive a big applause as well!

    Thank you for introducing our Ecogeneration team to new people! :)

    Posted 28-02-2021 21:01

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Hey Adan,
    Thanks for sharing the detail of your programme with us,
    You are really doing an inspiring works,
    Keep sharing,
    We are eager to read much more from you in coming days,

    Posted 28-02-2021 15:35

  • Adan Ojeda Villa says :
    Thank you very much, of course my email is adnvo98@gmail.com
    Posted 28-02-2021 06:45

  • sandy charles says :
    a great action in favor of the protection of the environment. can you give me your email address for how we can plan an action together my email address: sandycharled@gmail.com
    Posted 28-02-2021 06:40

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