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Thematic Topic – Green Buildings in China: New Government Actions

by Aiyang Zheng | 29-04-2021 20:41 recommendations 0

Buildings account for 28% of energy consumption in China and, with China¡¯s rapid urbanization, this share is likely to grow. As a result, to achieve its sustainability goals and carbon neutrality, the Chinese governments, both central and local, have released their ambitious plans regarding green buildings.

In July 2020, seven Central Government Ministries in China including the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly released an action plan for green building construction. The green building area, according to the action plan, will account for 70% by 2022. Moreover, the action plan also encourages energy-saving and water-saving transformation of existing residential buildings in combination with clean heating, renovation of old urban communities, and construction of sponge cities.

Since then, many local governments have been following in. For example, the provincial government of Shandong in Eastern China provided clean heating subsidy of 395 million in 2020, aiming to increase clean heating area of 29 million square meters. In addition, Shandong province has issued a series of documents supporting clean heating and strives to achieve a clean heating rate of more than 80% in the province during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

Though ambitious national policies and strong local examples are all positive signs that China is moving forward on green buildings, China¡¯s cities still face several challenges such as comprehensive urban planning, implementing policies and regulations, and deploying available energy efficiency technologies. Therefore, the necessary financial and support and expertise are needed for local governments to succeed in their green buildings initiatives.



  • China Former E-gen Ambassador Aiyang Zheng
  • recommend


  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Dear Aiyang,

    This is your mentor Debbie. :)

    China, as it is one of the fastest-growing country, seems to be quickly developing in the Green Architecture as well. Thanks for sharing about the progress China is making on green architecture. It??s interesting how urbanization is also speeding up in China. It has been a huge issue in Korea because as much as 1/4 of the Korean population now resides in Seoul! I presume this situation is similar in China? Hopefully with sufficient urban planning, China will be able to be greener with its buildings!

    Great job with the article :)


    Posted 02-05-2021 01:14

  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Hi Aiyang,

    This is your mentor Yuseon:D

    Great job on your thematic report! The infromations are well organized and easy to follow:)
    Remodeling and renovating existing buildings to new buildings is an excellent way to reduce waste, construction energy, yet provide a new environment for the users.
    It is great that Shandong is giving large areas of land for that purpose. It is actually most important that the government back up the plans with regulations and budgets to proceed them.

    Thanks for sharing your country's situtions and insights on this topic!
    Keep up the good work,
    Posted 30-04-2021 19:58

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