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(Free Report) What can be solution to deforestation?

by Meena Pandey | 17-05-2021 00:25 recommendations 0

Free report_May

-What can be solution to deforestation?-

We were overwhelmed to get 77 participants on our Pictoword Puzzle#1. The participants included participants from Nepal (n= 63), India (n= 3), Bangladesh(n=7), Korea (n=1), Lebanon (n=1), US (n=1) and Zambia (n=1). It was hard for us to decide winner with many of participants with correct answers and way they have put forward their view to the short question attached.

We assessed the best possible solution of deforestation from the respondents and came to know the solution measures as follows.

Deforestation; as the name says clearing of forest. Deforestation have been an emerging problem at present and we cannot neglect its negative impact on the environment. It's more or less due to humans that the act of deforestation has reached to its peak. So humans should to be conscious about their actions, educate themselves as well as others of its effects on the environment and take a step ahead in afforestation and minimize the consumption of wood products.

Creating a strong policy could be one way forward to reduce illegal cutting of trees. We must focus on recycling paper, plastic and wood eco-friendly product. Planting of trees in bare land, use of certified forest resources, Use of alternative energy sources instead of timber, wood etc. and use of eco-friendly products that decreases use of wooden products.

The ultimate way is boosting the level of people's consciousness on the consequences like pollution, landslides, soil erosion, etc , we are facing every year as a result of deforestation activity done in past. Students and youths form every locality should be mobilized to protect local forest areas. Government laws: banning deforestation and forest protocols, minimizing use of paper, controlling population so that urbanization decreases, Sustainable lifestyle to decrease use of mineral. Developmental activities like road construction should be carried out far from forest areas. Green methods of production and utilization of resources can immeasurably reduce deforestation. Separate and specify residential, industrial, farming and forest area and implement eco- friendly rules and regulations.

Community forest programme development, Plantation should be done in every possible barren lands. Even plantation in our home gardens should be done. So it¡¯s on humans too, to be conscious about their actions, educate themselves as well as others of its effects on the environment/ecosystem and take a step ahead in afforestation and minimize the consumption wood products.

In the next report, I will present the sustainable practices the participants of pictoword puzzle#1 followed they follow.

Further, I would like you to inform the second series of pictoword#2 has also been released to play please visit the link below:



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  • Dormant user Meena Pandey
  • recommend


  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Hi Meena,

    This is your mentor Yuseon:d

    I always appreciate your hard work on the Tunza platform.
    You are one of the many ambassadors leading this group and activating this society for all of us. Big applause.

    Deforestation is actually a worldwide problem now. As trees can be materials for many things, and land without trees could be utilized more widely, many parts of nature are getting harmed.

    Hope we would not forget the specialty of forests, and try to preserve them for the future.
    Keep up the good work:)
    Posted 31-05-2021 17:15

  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Hi Meena,

    This is your mentor Debbie :)

    I am truly enjoying the results of the Pictoword puzzle. I think this is a great project. Honestly, a big round of applause for your idea!

    I agree that the ultimate solutions to many problems is raising people??s consciousness on the aftermath of various issues. Only when the people realize the significance will our environment be able to improve.

    Thanks for the report, Meena! :)

    Best Regards,

    Posted 27-05-2021 19:51

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