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[Free Report] Greenwashing

by Seyi Jang | 21-09-2021 23:53 recommendations 0

Everybody must have heard about the term whitewashing at least once in their lifetime. Whitewashing is an attempt to stop people finding out the true facts about an actual situation. Greenwashing is not different from whitewashing in meaning, it is just not as recognized as whitewashing. When one company focuses only on advertising how their products are "green" rather than actually making the products sustainable, we call it greenwashing.

 Greenwashing is not a new phenomenon, as the term is coined from an essay by environmentalist Jay Westerveld in 1986. He got the idea after visiting a hotel in Fiji, where he saw a note telling visitors to reuse the towel for better environment, while in the mean time, the hotel was building more bungalows. There has been an increase in greenwashing in recent years due to the increased demand for sustainable products from consumers.

 Greenwashing can be an irresistable temptation for companies, as being seen as ethical and eco-friendly drives profitability. However, greenwashing is bad because it misleads people into acting unsustainable. When you want to be a green consumer, you would more likely choose a product that the company promoted as 'eco-friendly'. But when it turns out to be false, you're ending up with harming the environment instead of saving it.

 One example of greenwashing is from a German motor vehicle manufacturer, Volkswagen, which was admitted to cheating emission tests by using a 'defeat device' in September 2015. Its diesel engines were fitted with software which can make the vehicle less polluting only during the emission tests. This scandal was going on while the company was actively marketing the low-emission and eco-friendly features of the car, which was the exact opposite of what they have done.

 Greenwashing is a market ploy which people easily fall for and may end up with harming the environment unintentionally. In order to prevent this, consumers have to be well-educated on greenwashing and need to have critical view on products advertised as sustainable. Doing some research about the company or the product before buying the item is encouraged for spotting out greenwashing products.

 Greenwashing is far from being moral or ethical, yet it became a common marketing strategy throughout the world just because it brings a huge amount of profit. We shouldn't forget the role of green consumer and should be cautious when purchasing new products.


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  • Dormant user Seyi Jang
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Seyi, this is your mentor Hannah.
    I loved your article about greenwashing.
    As the ambassadors commented, it's my first time knowing the term greenwashing.
    Similar to greenwashing, rebound effect is another side effect of economical movement.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)
    Posted 24-09-2021 17:26

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Seyi,
    this is your mentor Joon.

    This is my first time hearing the term greenwashing, but well aware of
    situations happening around the world. Just like you have mentioned in
    your article, many companies try to greenwash their products as it gets
    beneficial once it obtains the image of 'eco-friendly'. Not only for consumers,
    but for governments as some governments, including Korea, give out subsidies
    to the products that are produced or act as eco-friendly to certain level.
    It is very tempting for companies and government official should be aware of it.
    Hope industries actually go eco-friendly not acting it.

    Well read your article, and hoping to read more from you.


    Posted 23-09-2021 23:52

Elina  Haber

  • Elina Haber says :
    Annyeonghaseyo Seyi Jang,
    It's too easy to take advantage of consumers who want to live in a greener way :( And as you said, we can avoid being greenwashed. Good choice for the image! :)
    Keep writing!!
    Posted 23-09-2021 05:49

  • pallavi singh says :
    Same here even i haven't heard of greenwashing as a term before.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this, :D
    Posted 22-09-2021 04:14

Gokce Nur AYAZ

  • Gokce Nur AYAZ says :
    I knew about the Volkswagen but haven't heard of greenwashing as a term before.

    Thank you so much for sharing this!
    Posted 22-09-2021 01:47

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