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[Free Report] Green New Deal

by Seyi Jang | 25-10-2021 15:15 recommendations 0

As more and more people are getting vaccinated, the economy, plummeted due to covid-19, is starting to recover and the government started to confer about the life after the pandemic. During the long quarantine, people realized that the world will no longer be sustainable if we keep on developing with limited resources. Thus, people demanded more eco-friendly and sustainable development plan so that the worst scenario of climate change doesn¡¯t come true in real life.

In 2020, the South Korean government announced Green New Deal as part of K-new deal in order to achieve net-zero society. Green New Deal is a sustainable development plan mainly focused on human and environment. Pulitzer Prize-winner Thomas Friedman mentioned the term back in 2007 for the first time in the New York times and in his book ¡®Code Green¡¯. He emphasized that the US needs to consider a green version of the New Deal project in order to maintain the US-centered world order. Soon the term became viral among the lawmakers and was proposed in different nations. European green deal in 2020 and the Pact for a Green New Deal by Canadian organizations are one of the examples.

The South Korean Green New Deal was portioned into 3 sections : renewable energy, green infrastructure and greener industry. Renewable energy section, mainly focused on circular economy, aims for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 in order to complete the 2030NDC. In green infrastructure sector, with the help of modern technology such as micro grid, is planning to build green smart school and city forests. Lastly, in the industrial sector, it focuses on stopping investments in coal both in and out of Korea while investing more in renewable energy. This plan will need mass involvement from both central and local government, as the number of jobs is expected to increase in all regions of the country.

Although South Korea is stepping toward the right path for the sustainable planet, concerns still remain. Some critics criticize the plan as more gray than green. They question whether a plan such as using hydrogen energy is realistic and affordable until the time set. They also mention the involvement of older generation on the project, as older generation have less understanding and interest in climate crisis. In order to diminish the worries, the government is holding a monthly strategy meeting on the K-new deal in order to guarantee private sectors meet its commitment.

South Korea is currently the fourth-largest importer of coal and invests a huge amount of money in over-sea coal projects, meaning we have a long way to go in order to reach the net-zero society. We have to constantly monitor and give support to the ongoing project so that the plan can be successfully achieved.

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  • Dormant user Seyi Jang
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Seyi, this is your mentor Hannah!
    Sorry for the late comment.
    What I personally think about this Green New Deal is that it's important to be realistic and achievable, not just a policy.
    As you've written, it seems that we have long way to go, and investment and efforts are critical.
    Thank you for the great ambassador report and please keep up with your great work ;)

    Yours, Hannah

    Posted 13-11-2021 17:57

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Seyi, this is your mentor Joon.

    Green new deal has been a very popular issue, at least in Korea. Economic indicators
    of related companies had drastic movements after the announcement as country is planning
    to invest billions of dollars on this huge long term projects. There are positive view, just like you have suggested, which Korea set the national goal to go Carbon Neutral by 2050. As it is still a plan, we don't know if we can meet the goal, however we should put efforts and capitals so we could actually make it happen. We should also be careful for downsides, such as production cost, environmental damage of hydrogen gas, which is a key to Green New Deal, and much more researches are needed.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up.


    Posted 28-10-2021 11:28

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