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West African Lions On The Brink Of Extinction

by HASSAN ABUBAKAR MUHAMMAD | 26-10-2021 16:55 recommendations 0

The redlist of endangered species, backed by governments, scientists, and conservationists, grew to 22,784 species in 2015, almost a third of all animals and plants sampled a year ago.

Loss of habitats, such as clearance of forests for farmlands, cities, or roads, was the main cause of the rise, according to the list compiled by the International Union for Conservation (IUCN).

Lions in Africa retained an overall listing as vulnerable one of the "least endangered" categories, thanks to Southern Africa conservation.
But lions in West Africa were listed in a more severe category as "critically endangered" due to the loss of habitat and a decline in prey caused by human hunting.

As an Eco-generational Ambassador, i want to use this opportunity to call for urgent mobilisation of investments from the international community to assist increase mangement effectiveness to save these dying lion specie.
Hopefully, the region's lions would be among those successfully brought back from the brink of extinction.

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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Hassan, this is your mentor Hannah.
    Sorry for the late comment.
    I wonder what's the main reasons of African lions being in danger of extinction.
    It's such a bad news of any animal species being endangered.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 15-11-2021 23:01

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Hassan, this is your mentor Joon.

    It is always sad to hear the news of animals facing extinction. Unlike other countries, animals
    in Africa goes extinct primarily due to poaching and leisure hunting. I am not a big fan of such activity, but I have neutral standings for it. However, excessive poaching and hunting is not desirable. It breaks down an ecosystem as a food cycle will be corrupted once one part of food cycle goes missing. Therefore, we need adequate control and restrictions to those actions in order to make our lives sustainable.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!
    Posted 28-10-2021 12:40

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