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[Thematic Report] SuperBin and the Nephron

by Seojin Lee | 31-10-2021 21:59 recommendations 0

Currently, there are a lot of difficulties in recycling materials so that they can actually be reused. First, although many fashion brands show an interest in using recyclable materials, many ¡°recyclable¡± materials today end up not recycled because of impurities such as food and styrofoam present with the recyclable material. Additionally, even if the impurities are weeded out before the recyclable material is thrown away, other impurities may contaminate the material again during the disposal process. 
To combat these issues, a company in South Korea called SuperBin has taken action. In around 200 locations in Korea, SuperBin has placed automated machines called the ¡°Nephron¡± that collect recyclable cans and PET bottles. What makes these machines interesting is that it is run by an AI called ¡°Neuro Genie,¡± which is programmed with a data base that informs the machine with which waste is recyclable and which is not. Using this machine, people can make sure not only that their waste is recyclable, but also that their waste is in safe hands and would avoid future contamination. 
Although the assurance of recycling may be enough of a reason for people to use the Nephron, SuperBin also provides people with another incentive: money. When someone successfully inserts a recyclable can or PET bottle into the Nephron, the machine rewards the person with points that can be redeemed into cash. This way, SuperBin pushes an even wider range of people to recycle what they can! A user of the Nephron interviewed by SBS (a Korean television company) explained how they feel proud ¡°[saving] the environment¡± ¡°when this money comes into a bank account¡± (1). 
After SuperBin collects a recyclable can or bottle, it converts it into recyclable material and sells it to those that can use the recyclable material, such as the fashion companies mentioned earlier. Through this method, SuperBin hopes to create a circular economy where products are reused as much as possible. 
Over the past couple of years, the number of Nephrons have been increasing and are only expected to increase. As more people start using the machine, more recyclable materials are collected and reused, and more types of recyclable waste are collected by the Nephron, it may become more apparent that this is one of the best methods of Eco-friendly waste management not only here in South Korea, but hopefully in other countries as well in the near future.

(1): https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id-N1006476161
(2): https://sedaily.com/NewsView/22SLZ2FM15

(1): https://www.superbin.co.kr/en/contents/philosophy.php
(2): https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20190327008700320


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  • Dormant user Seojin Lee
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Seojin, this is your mentor Hannah.
    Sorry for the late comment.
    I've read articles about these SuperBins and Nephrons, which are quite new technologies introduced in Korea.
    I hope these machines give good result to recycling portion, and expand to other cities as well.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 22-11-2021 19:10

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Seojin, this is your mentor Joon.

    In Korea, different approaches for eco-friendly waste management is being made adapting
    IoT Technology. Most of those vending machines, which that I know of, are connected to
    internet and send adequate signal to main office to communicate whether the storage is
    full, and get real time update for it. Though it is not approachable in every region, I have
    seen one near governmental offices, and main streets. Hope more of these are introduced
    so that we could manage wastes properly in efficient manner.

    Well read, and hope you are doing well.


    Posted 01-11-2021 08:34

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