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Thematic Report for September - Zero Waste

by Justice Obiri | 01-11-2021 13:09 recommendations 0

Zero Waste is a whole system approach that is being enacted to resource management centered on reducing, reusing, and recycling. Individually, we need to buy products made from the materials we recycle. This reduces excessive pressure on the need to produce new things which requires new materials.


The aim of Zero Waste is to:

¡¤        Maximize recycling, meaning less pressure on the need to produce new things for consumption or usage and hence a major reduction in waste generation.

¡¤        Minimize waste. When waste is minimized, we have cleaner environments, free of diseases and infections. One method leads to the other and we all get to benefit.

¡¤        Reduce consumption. My previous report, touched on the need to reduce consumption because it leads directly to reduction in waste generation. When waste generation is reduced, it is a good situation for all of us.


As we gradually switch to this new norm of zero waste, we tend to reduce greenhouse gases which is the biggest contributor to climate change by:

¡¤        Saving energy

¡¤        Reducing and eventually eliminating the need for landfills and incinerators


Writers will write, speakers will speak, singers will sing, but making this a reality is a work for the whole and not just a single aspect of people. Like a teacher in a class, I can only encourage all learners to learn but as to whether they will learn, is solely dependent on them. To ensure the success of Zero Waste, it all depends on what we do to help our Mother Earth.


Green Cheers!







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  • Dormant user Justice Obiri
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Justice, this is your mentor Hannah.
    Sorry for the late comment.
    The content of your September report and October report seems similar.
    It's rightly so, because zero waste and waste management have quite a lot of things in common.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 29-11-2021 00:50

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Justice, this is your mentor Joon.

    Zero waste is more of a lifestyle which we have to implement in order to reduce negative
    impact towards environment. Though it is not necessary, we follow the 5Rs, or even 7Rs extended, which the creator of the term Zero Waste suggested. Among them, Recycling and reduction of waste is quite important part as it is directly related to production of wastes.
    Sufficient education is required along with infrastructure of society. Every part of the system
    needs to work along in order to make this a successful campaign.

    Well read your article, and hope you are doing well.


    Posted 02-11-2021 19:34

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