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Free Report Nov 2021- Green Living Artwork

by Aaditya Singh | 14-11-2021 05:26 recommendations 0

Through this report I am trying to raise awareness about Green Living through Artwork. Sometimes an image that stays in the mind serves better to convey a simple message than a lecture or an essay. My drawing below speaks for itself. I have shown an orange being peeled off to indicate the human impact on the environment and the corrective actions needed.

On the parts of the skin that are being peeled off the orange, I have shown some of the ways in which human activities are harming the environment. The scenes show air pollution due to vehicles; smoke and harmful gasses from industries; light pollution and excessive use of electricity in our cities; food waste; deforestation; excessive garbage and overflowing landfills; and wastage of water. A smoke monster in the drawing emphasizes the extent of damage that our activities are causing to our air quality. 

On the fruit that is revealed in the center after removing the peels, I have shown afforestation with trees; integration of cities with nature parks; mass public transport system and other forms of private eco friendly transport; proper waste disposal and recycling of waste; and human love for nature.

All around in the background of the drawing I have drawn the green energy methods- Solar energy, Wind energy and Hydel energy; as well as highlighted judicious use of water and electricity.

My portrayal shows how we can simply peel off our harmful acts off the face of our planet and adopt sustainable and environment friendly ways of living towards a cleaner and greener tomorrow. I hope such works of art can leave a mark and raise awareness among one and all to ensure that conservation of environment becomes a routine part of life rather than a deliberate act or two.

Peel off


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello , this is your mentor Hannah.

    WOW, I can see your effort just by a glance at the artwork.
    I'm curious about the train: did you intend it to run by green energy method?
    Love the article with your creative artwork.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 05-12-2021 00:53

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Aaditya, this is your mentor Joon.

    What an amazing piece of work! There are different ways to act on behalf of nature, and in my opinion, Green Living Artwork, which you have produced, can surely an effective way. It is catchy, and people would have at least a glance on it if it is posted on the wall. If we can put explanations on side of the picture, it would stop people so that they can read and spare some time to think about our precious environment.

    Well read your article, and hope we can keep up!



    Posted 15-11-2021 17:52

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