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Climate and environment

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 20-11-2021 02:18 recommendations 0

In our land, there is a forced thaw of the atmospheric climate and a decrease in biodiversity, which has no analogues due to the huge number of the year.  In the world, without exception, the most fundamental results of long-term harm to the winding earth, our communities are beginning to understand the scarcity of its resources, but in addition, the need to protect ecosystems and stable management to stand out, so that they also further guarantee us absolutely everything that is important for the purpose of existence (moisture  , soil, airspace, bora, oceans also polyadelphite letter.).
 In these circumstances, which took on academic evidence, the surrounding area, in particular the atmosphere and biodiversity, began to become significant values ​​of diplomacy.
 The aspect of overcoming the decline in mass social goods, according to its own essence, must be multifaceted.
 Being concentrated in the service for the protection of ecosystems, which makes it possible for us to live in the earth, the protection of the data around the sphere is not limited in any way, interacting with other significant areas:
 * energy resources (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy balance of countries);
 * consideration of environmental stereotypes in the laws of international trade;
 * issues of health protection (learned the true relationships among the loss of biodiversity and zoonoses) and food security (competition with the degradation of foundations generated by unstable methods of agricultural management);
 Conservation difficulties in individual areas have every chance to bring about incidents of social movement as well.

 "If funds run out, rivalry ensues for them. This disagreement weakens the public infrastructure in full and becomes a factor in the subsequent liquidation of resources. But this, in its own right, worsens the conflict," explains Killelea.  In some cases, the situation is complicated by the presence of various popular and church companies, which are hostile among themselves, the specialist adds.
 The example of an area that has fallen into this kind of "wrong circle", according to the speeches of the head of the IEP, is considered to be the region of Africa south of the Sahara - thus called the Sahel region.  Similar "systemic" difficulties, as well as social unrest, small civilian institutions, corruption and a rapid increase in the population, are further intertwined with the difficulties of a lack of quality food and drinking water.
 IEP experts believe that all these difficulties, without exception, increased the possibility of incidents in the area, but also contributed to the further intensification of Islamist movements, which decided to take advantage of local incidents due to resources in order to accomplish their own more fully.
 Areas subject to personally significant risk
 Serge Strubants, Head of IEPs for Europe, Near Rise and North Africa, told DW that there are Thirty States in the institution's report, thus representing the so-called "warm spots".  These countries, on one side, are struggling with more fundamental environmental difficulties, but on the other, they are characterized by a significant degree of corruption, fragile institutions of a civil society, bad criteria for the purpose of commercialization, and inconsistent distribution of resources.  The survey also identified 3 districts that are at greater risk of social collapse.  This is an area of ​​the Sahel, stretching from Mauritania up to the Country, the South African zone (place from Angola up to Madagascar), but also the Middle East and Central Asian zone (from Syria up to Pakistan).
 In absolutely all of these areas, there is an enhanced controversial opportunity, but in addition, there are messages with the aim of the basis of social movement.  In 2020, the most Fifty million individuals in the African region located south of the Sahara, in the Near Sunrise also in the north of Africa with due to various incidents existed must leave their own buildings.
 Condition for atmospheric climate change
 Despite, in this case, the fact that such environmental difficulties, as well as a lack of food and drinking water, exist regardless of the change in the atmospheric climate, this condition has led to their aggravation.  Under similar circumstances, all of the more human beings, without exception, must leave their own buildings.  According to the IEP's calculations, by 2050, in the region south of the Sahara alone, 86 million people will be transformed into migrants due to a change in the atmospheric climate.
 An expert according to the study of incidents and peace-loving actions from the Uppsala Nink Institute, the Uexkull environment, which did not play a role in the preparation of the IEP report, in a conversation with DW proved the presence of an interconnection among the change in the atmospheric climate and an increase in acute conflict opportunities in different areas of the earth.  "It is, then, that the single impact of the capital of the atmospheric climate in the threat of incidents in the current states is quite insignificant in comparison with other conditions. But certain areas of society are actually considered sensitive in this respect," the beloved notes.
 Situation in civilized states
 The states of Europe and other lofty civilized areas, in addition, encounter natural accidents as a result of changes in the atmospheric climate, but these countries are considered the strongest according to the relationship to issues associated with environmental hazards, the IEP report says.

 Environmental issues, especially climate issues, now formally form an increasingly important basis.  I think it would not be bad if all the ambassadors gathered and discussed all the issues of interest to us.  This can take place both online and offline.  It¡¯s over for me alone, it¡¯s beyond my power.  But if Tunza Eco Generation were interested in this idea, it would be nice.  thank you in advance

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  • Dormant user Ilona Poplavskaya
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Ilona, this is your mentor Hannah.

    I would also like it if we could discuss about stuff.
    Your article seems to be analyzed in depth. It's great.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 05-12-2021 02:45

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Ilona, this is your mentor Joon

    Persistent climate is crucial to sustain our ecosystem. Yet, we are having hard times protecting what we already have due to our greediness. There should be a point where we all have to stop in order to return to normal. I am just afraid whether or not we have overpassed the point, and there is only one directional road and has no way to go back. Many problems are currently being made, and I believe this is our time to stop.

    Well read your article, and hope you can keep up.


    Posted 21-11-2021 19:51

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