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Free topic [Microbuses]

by Daniel Puente | 21-11-2021 11:19 recommendations 0

Free topic [Microbuses]

I think few will understand my solution to the pollution problem and the improvement of driving. Only Mexicans will understand, but it is certainly not difficult to understand. Trucks or as we call them "Microbuses" or "Micro", are buses/trucks that transport people, many times they are in private hands. As seen in the image below. 

Something ironic and funny, is that in part these trucks are to reduce traffic, generate less pollution and transport people, the only thing they do efficiently is to carry people, because due to their lack of civil empathy they drive very badly, they throw the car, cause accidents, generate traffic, causing more pollution in the end.

As a solution I think that fining them for their inefficient actions will help to improve this situation. Another ironic and funny thing is that most of the cars in Mexico do the "verification" which is mandatory, it is twice a year and if you don't do it they fine you. It is a test in which they check your car and through several filters they check that it does not pollute your car, if it pollutes too much, it cannot circulate and you have to take it to be fixed, the point is that these trucks do not do the verification, it is not obligatory for them. It is funny because they (the microbuses) are the ones that pollute the most.

I am talking about Mexico, but without a doubt this happens all over Latin America, except for what was mentioned in the verification part, I have had the opportunity to get to know other countries in the region and I see that they also have the same problem. That in itself is an internal problem, that many people are already used to, however, that in itself is not good and must be solved.

Daniel Puente - 27th Eco Generation Regional Ambassador to México -

 Mediap icture from "el punto crítico".

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  • Dormant user Daniel Puente
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Daniel, this is your mentor Hannah.

    I like the 'verification' process, but it's surprising that microbuses don't take that test.
    I thought microbuses are tiny buses that help getting rid of air pollution, but that's why they say 'don't judge a book by it's cover', right?
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 05-12-2021 02:51

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Daniel, this is your mentor Joon.

    I have also seen those microbuses back then when I was in Mexico around 2009. It seems like not much has changed since then. The buses ritually burst the smoke on its back and moves dynamically around the road. I recognized there were tests for car emissions, and always wondered why those buses does not get any restrictions by police. By reading your article, now I finally know the answer. I guess it is a difficult dilemma either to give up transportation or environment. Hope progression is made.

    Well read your article, and hope you keep up!


    Posted 21-11-2021 23:26

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