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(Free Report: November) Genetically Modified Organism: blessing or curse?

by Binita Suwal | 24-11-2021 09:46 recommendations 0

Genetically stand for gene which is made up of DNA, Modified means some change or tweak has been made and organism includes all living things i.e. plant, animals, bacteria fungi¡¦ So, any organism such as plants, animals with altered genome or DNA by using genetic engineering techniques are genetically modified organisms. Generally, the production of GMOs starts from laboratory i.e. modification of DNA in order to achieve desire physiological traits or biologically desired products. This method includes recombinant DNA technology and reproductive cloning. In 1974 Rudolf Jaenisch created a transgenic mouse by introducing foreign DNA into its embryo, making it the world¡¯s first transgenic animal. Dolly (sheep) was the first animal produced by the means of cloning technique in 1996. Since then, many genetically engineered organism has been produced. The first genetically modified animal to be commercialized was GloFish i.e. a Zebra fish with a fluorescent gene added that allows it to glow in the dark under ultraviolet light.

In traditional practices, normally we select individuals of a species to produce offspring that have desirable character whereas in genetic modification, recombinant genetic technologies are used to produce organism with altered genome usually that code for traits that would not be obtained easily through traditional selective breeding.

The main purpose of producing GMOs is to increase the production from both crops and livestock, reduce work load, to develop disease resistance, improve the quality and look and maintain sustainability. To some extent these purposes are fulfilled. For example: Golden rice is a variety of rice produced through genetic engineering with 3 genes that biosynthesize beta-carotene. The production of this rice was intended to provide vitamin A in the areas with a shortage of dietary Vitamin A. Genetically modified maize was produced to express agriculturally- desirable traits such as resistance to pests and to herbicide. But it was found that the GM corn possibly effect health. Similarly, British company Oxitec has created genetically modified male mosquitoes that carry a¡± self-limiting gene¡±. When they are released into the wild and mate with females their offspring do not reach adulthood and do not contribute to spread of Zika virus.

We can say that GMOs is one of the successful option to reduce food hunger in many places as this is known for increasing productions. GMOs can contribute to the reduction in environmental pollution and this method also create disease, pest resistance organism as this may reduce the use of pesticide and other chemicals in field. The strength of animal is also increases.

After talking about the pros of GMOs, let¡¯s see the other side. Genetically modified organism production is against natural rule. Inserting gene to another organism of different species may develop strength in it but the outcome causes imbalances in ecological cycle. Further, this may be harmful to the naturally born organisms. Natural gene is in danger. There is quite less pure gene in nature as they may also cross with genetically modified organism. Some Genetically modified crops require more pesticides, herbicides than normal, leading to environmental pollution. It is now proven that consumption of GMOs is not safe for human. So, we should discourage the production and consumption of GMOs and save the natural pure genomes.

golden rice


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  • Dormant user Binita Suwal
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Binita, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Great topic to discuss about.
    I used to have debates on how GMO is influencial to human health.
    I was on 'cons' side, because it's scaring and we don't know what would happen due to artificially modifying genes. However, as time passed I ate lots of GMO foods, for example, specially modified fruits. Which actually tasted so much better than nonGMO fruits, and now I'm at the neutrality.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 06-12-2021 15:47

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Binita, this is your mentor Joon!

    As many people know, and as you have definitely noticed which researching process of this report, there are always pros and cons to Genetically Modified Organism(GMOs). If used properly, such as maximizing the production of food supply it would save millions of people, but there are always issues related to ethics. We should always be cautious and we definitely need some standard of judgement.

    Well read your article, and it would be better if you cite your references!


    Posted 25-11-2021 12:29

  • Vivian Nabisere says :
    To me, that the benefits of GMOs have real much needed. The solution I suggest is to do further research and studies in the genetics field for a possibility of preventing the cons and maybe placing appropriate policies and laws by governing bodies to keep the scientific experiment in check.
    Posted 25-11-2021 05:32

    This Is Really Confusing. There Are Pros As Well As Cons Of Using Genetically-Modified Products.
    Posted 24-11-2021 16:36

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