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[Free Report] Australian Wildfires Cataclysm

by Pranav Gaba | 28-11-2021 12:52 recommendations 0

The 2019-20 Australian wildfires that originated from New South Wales is one of the most tragic events that the Earth witnessed and was a mega disaster in its truest sense wherein 1000 million harmless animals lost their lives. For an animal lover, this event brought a flood of tears and agony that would take years and years to lessen. 

In November 2019, dozens of fires erupted in New South Wales which prompted the Australian government to declare a state of emergency. Fires rapidly spread across all states and according to an estimate, an area roughly 25.5 million acres, which would be 1/4th the size of California, was burned to ashes. 

Summer season extends in Australia from December to February with fire season typically peaking in late January or early February. According to the verge, " On January 3rd, officials warned that conditions could get worse over the following days. ""Its going to be a blast furnace,"" New South Wales transport minister Andrew Constance said to The Sydney Morning Herald." 1

After a month of massive evacuations, the fires in New South Wales which was the most affected state were finally declared contained on February 13th. But the smoke became another disaster. As per Verge, "On January 1st, Australia's capital recorded the worst pollution it's ever seen, with an air quality index 23 times higher than what's considered hazardous." 2

The perils of the smoke were also felt 1000 miles away in New Zealand where it created eerie scenes atop glacier-covered peaks. According to one estimate from the University of Sydney, around 25,000 Koalas were feared dead on Kangaroo Island, a third of all the Koalas in New South Wales are believed to have perished and about 30 percent of their habitat has also been wiped out. 

The devastation only adds to existing pressures on Australia's unique ecosystems as the continent is home to 244 species which are not found anywhere else. This cataclysm was followed by a  massive uproar where on January 10th thousands of protestors took to the streets in Sydney, Melbourne and other cities demanding climate action. Prime Minister Scott Morrison also received much backlash for his handling of the bushfires and had to cut a vacation to Hawaii short during the bushfire.

The question that persists is how long do these innocent animals would have to suffer due to our reckless actions? The only thing that a climate activist can do is to urge other fellow activists to keep these tragic tales alive in their heart and mind and do whatever they can, however they can to stop such cataclysm take place again - NOW.

1. Calma, Justine. ¡°What You Need to Know about the Australia Bushfires.¡± The Verge, 14 Feb. 2020, www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/1/3/21048891/australia-wildfires-koalas-climate-change-bushfires-deaths-animals-damage

2. Calma, Justine. ¡°What You Need to Know about the Australia Bushfires.¡± The Verge, 14 Feb. 2020, www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/1/3/21048891/australia-wildfires-koalas-climate-change-bushfires-deaths-animals-damage
Australian wildfiresAustralian wildfires


  • India Youth Pranav Gaba
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Pranav Gaba

  • Pranav Gaba says :
    Dear Hannah Mentor,
    I am so delighted that you had been keeping an eye on my comments and that you really took notice of the improvements that I were seeking. I really wish to thank both of you for teaching me how to write references and for congratulating me.
    Thank you so much!
    Posted 26-12-2021 22:21

Pranav Gaba

  • Pranav Gaba says :
    Dear Joon Mentor,

    Thanks for going through my article and posting your comment.

    Green Cheers!

    Posted 26-12-2021 22:18

Pranav Gaba

  • Pranav Gaba says :
    Yes Hassan, this must be stopped!
    Posted 26-12-2021 22:17

  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Pranav, this is your mentor Hannah. Sorry for the late comment.

    I've seen the first picture occasionally, maybe because Kangaroos are the symbol of Austrailia and it depicts Australian Wildfires well.
    It's so hurting, and it's so important that same situation doesn't happen again.
    I see that you're great in writing references now!! Congrats
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 07-12-2021 02:11

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Pranav, this is your mentor Joon.

    It is always sad to hear to stories of disasters, especially if casualties are made. Due to lack of sufficient water supply, whole atmosphere, top soils, plants dried. Just a tiny ember could cause big wild fire under such conditions. Similar phenomenon is shown in Death Valley, California. To address this issue, we should slow down climate change and need to soothe the effects of it. How? We are not sure, and that is a problem we should work on.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up


    Posted 29-11-2021 10:11

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