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by Sagar Koirala | 27-01-2022 10:41 recommendations 0

Nano Plastic pollution found at both of Earth¡¯s poles for first time. Tiny particles including tyre dust found in ice cores stretching back 50 years, showing global plastic contamination.

Nano Plastic pollution has been detected in polar regions for the first time, indicating that the tiny particles are now pervasive around the world.

The nanoparticles are smaller and more toxic than Micro plastics, which have already been found across the globe, but the impact of both on people¡¯s health is unknown.

Analysis of a core from Greenland¡¯s ice cap showed that nano plastic contamination has been polluting the remote region for at least 50 years. The researchers were also surprised to find that a quarter of the particles were from vehicle tyres.

Nanoparticles are very light and are thought to be blown to Greenland on winds from cities in North America and Asia. The nano plastics found in sea ice in Mc Murdo Sound in Antarctica are likely to have been transported by ocean currents to the remote continent.

Plastics are part of the cocktail of chemical pollution that pervades the planet, which has passed the safe limit for humanity, scientists reported on Tuesday. Plastic pollution has been found from the summit of Mount Everest to the depths of the oceans. People are known to inadvertently eat and breathe microplastics and another recent study found that the particles cause damage to human cells.

Its high time we take actions to reduce the use of plastics and develop measures for eradicating nano plastic.

Source- Dusan Materic from Utrecht University


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  • Dormant user Sagar Koirala
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Yes, plastic pollution in the ocean is one of the big environmental issues. It harms marine ecosystem and even is harmful to people who eat the fish that has nanoplastic inside.
    It is also surprising to know that nanoplastic is transferred by wind, not only ocean currents. Then, when nanoplastics are being transferred by wind can it be considered as air pollutant as well?

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 06-02-2022 19:35

  • Sagar Koirala says :
    Thank You Joon Mentor
    Posted 01-02-2022 00:31

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Joon.

    I cannot believe nanoplastics(micro plastics) are now found on arctic areas. Apparently, now it is prevalent around the world. This is quite serious issue as arctic region is one of the biggest habitat of Krill which is used as a food in aquaculture industry. If those Krill is contaminated by nanoplastics, then all the aquatic animals produced as food will be contaminated by plastics, which we would consume in the end. We should work on reducing it as much as possible.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 28-01-2022 14:32

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