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Free Report Feb. 2022- Food for thought!

by Aaditya Singh | 08-02-2022 21:20 recommendations 0

I am introducing to the forum a recycled (!!!) puzzle that I had created some time ago highlighting my journey with Tunza Eco-generation Forum and a dream that this journey planted in my head. Let me start with a famous quote by eminent Indian scientist and Ex president of India, Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. 


"A dream is not something that you see in your sleep, it is something that does not let you sleep."


My journey with Tunza Ecogen ensures a step in the right direction towards a sustainable future for the planet. This dream keeps me awake and on my toes. I am sharing below this dream with fellow members of the forum as I am sure that this is your dream too and because its realization depends on collective effort rather than individual!


My eco dream is to join hands with my fellow active youth, and Tunza Ecogeneration forum, to forge a sustainable green future for the planet.... A PLANET WHERE...


...We care for nature and conserve our unique biodiversity considering it as a boon; and regularly plant trees to promote afforestation, with the aim to control pollution, global warming and soil run off.


...We are aware of the need to save water, energy and paper; and use them judiciously without any wastage.


...We are conscious about the importance of conservation of non-renewable resources and use public transport or car-pool or cycles.


...We work towards achieving a zero carbon footprint by following the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, and upcycle; supported with proper waste management plan.


...We use engineering and technology to design Eco-cities, employing renewable sources of clean energy, such as Solar, Hydel, Wind and Biogas.


I count on the support of my Tunza Ecogen family, to realize this dream. So let us engage in team work, to Innovate, Initiate and Inspire; Cooperate, Communicate and Collaborate; and Educate, Endeavor and Enterprise, with the aim to protect our environment from getting devastated.


To make this first report of the term a bit interactive and interesting; and to make all of you a part of my dream, by engaging you in a challenge, I have created a word puzzle with the key words that are a part of my planning for realizing my dream.


The word puzzle is in the picture below. It has 55 words in total. The words are either downward or from left to right.


2 compound words are shown already to get you started. I have considerd 'My Eco dream' as one word as well as 'Tunza Ecogeneration' also as one word. The rest of the words are all single words. Let us see if together, we can solve the word puzzle and find out the other 53 words.


Please write the words that you locate, in comments below.


The answer key is in my following report. 


But let me give a hint now! The words are all there in the description of my Eco Dream that I have given above in green font.


I look forward to readers posting their response in the comments!!!

Word puzzle


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Aaditya, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Great puzzle you've made! Try it everyone!

    Thank you for your great work and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 13-02-2022 22:09

  • Lorena Carbajal says :
    I found paper, biodiversity, energy, management, nature, engineering, collaboration, carbon, water, sustainable.
    Posted 11-02-2022 12:11

  • Malewo Chiwanga says :
    Wow what a wonderful and creative idea I found engineering,nature,clean, educate,footprint,renewable,youth,paper, carpool
    Posted 09-02-2022 17:30

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hi Aaditya, this is your mentor Joon.

    Hope your journey with Tunza helped you achieve your goal in the end of the day. I tried the puzzle you have made and I found several words such as footprint, sustainable, nature, and cooperate! Hope your eco dreams written in green font come true. Why don't everyone give a try on the puzzle?

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 09-02-2022 12:38

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