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[Free report] The importance of people in Environmental preservation.

by Malewo Chiwanga | 09-02-2022 17:11 recommendations 0

During some of the times I browse through the Web I occasionally come across posts about the environment.  I have noticed a recent  trend where people like putting up photos of environmental destruction and they caption it with things like "Humans are awful." or  "The destruction of nature at hands of man."  But something that never sits right with is the fact that Humans are not mere observers of the natural world we too are natural Beings and thus a part of nature. Sure it is true many human inventions and progressions have led to environmental destruction and degradation but we can not deny that it was all for progress. Also we know in the past knowledge on nature was minimal and most people had no idea of the repercussions of their action. Nowadays we know the impacts of our actions and because we too are part of nature we are doing something to preserve the environment and not only so it survives, but thrives as well. Humans are important because we uniquely able to move into action that will reverse the damage of our predecessors and we have a duty to minimise and eradicate any damage happening today.

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  • Dormant user Malewo Chiwanga
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Hannah.

    What a fresh perspective towards people's influence in environment. I also think that people also have the will and effort to preserve the environment. There actually are so many environmental movements going on at recent days, since more and more people are getting to know and find out how the environments were damaged by our earlier actions.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 14-02-2022 17:09

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Joon.

    Nice view point. There were times which humans did not realize consequences of our action to nature. However, as time pass and environmental damage could be observed, humans began to research about the reasons and realized that it is due to our action. Now could be a turning point for both nature and human, actually for nature as humans are part of the nature. We should try not to damage our environment, even better if we could go pro-environment, and find ways that we could progress to new step.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 14-02-2022 10:24

  • Malewo Chiwanga says :
    Thank you so much for your insightful comment Lorena, I can really see what you mean this particularly resonated with me as it is so accurate:
    "Seeing this tragic image about the polluted environment, I feel bad and guilty, it means that I am a good person, because I feel that moral responsibility"
    Posted 12-02-2022 03:48

  • Lorena Carbajal says :
    Your approach is interesting, from my point of view, the reason why these "striking" articles are disseminated, is because they generate a feeling of guilt in the viewer, that feeling leads people to idealize the existence of the human being as a tragedy. So people unconsciously think: "Seeing this tragic image about the polluted environment, I feel bad and guilty, it means that I am a good person, because I feel that moral responsibility"
    Posted 11-02-2022 12:02

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