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Theme report (Feb 2022) Solution to crossword puzzle

by Aaditya Singh | 13-02-2022 19:58 recommendations 0

I am posting this report as an example of what we can do to promote environmental conservation. As a keen environmentalist, I have been a part of various eco activities since childhood- including participation in events, awareness drives, clean up drives and contests, organising awareness events and a lot more. Additionally I try to find creative and innovative ways to engage people and create awareness. I have often used dance, art and music to raise awareness- for instance this puzzle that I had posted earlier this week.

As I promised, please find below the answers to the Word Puzzle in my last report. Please visit the link below to the original report.


I am also attaching the unsolved puzzle here again for easy reference.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the word puzzle as much as I enjoyed creating it! And of course all of us will equally enjoy working towards realizing our eco dreams, as also using our education and abilities to pave a sustainable and green future.

My eco dream is to join hands with my fellow active  youth , and Tunza Ecogeneration  forum, to forge  a sustainable green  future for the planet ... A planet where...


...We care for nature and conserve our unique biodiversity  considering it as a boon ; and regularly plant trees to promote afforestation , with the aim to control pollution, global warming and soil run off.


...We are aware of the need to save  water energy and paper ; and use them judiciously without any wastage.


...We are conscious about the importance of conservation of non-renewable resources and use public transport or carpool  or cycles.


...We work towards achieving a zero carbon footprint by following the principles of reducereuserecycle, and upcycle; supported with proper waste management   plan.


...We use engineering and technology to design Ecocities, employing renewable sources of clean energy, such as Solar,HydelWind and Biogas.


I count on the support of my Tunza Ecogen family, to realize this dream. So let us engage in team  work ,to 
InnovateInitiate and Inspire
CooperateCommunicate and Collaborate; and 
EducateEndeavor and Enterprise, 
with the aim to protect our environment from getting devastated.



  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Aaditya, this is your mentor Hannah.

    What a great words and phrases you've wrote using it!
    I didn't expect there to be so many words in this crossword puzzle.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 14-02-2022 18:42

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Aaditya, this is your mentor Joon.

    Thanks for uploading the key for puzzles you have made.
    I had great time solving it. The only part that I do not satisfy is that I was not able to find all the words. Well done.


    Posted 14-02-2022 10:30

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