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(Free report) Waste Management

by ALOK DHAKAL | 18-02-2022 22:19 recommendations 0

27th Ambassadorship, Month 6, Report 1
Free Report: February

Title: Waste Management
In today's society, waste management is critical and important issue as Wastes generated by human activities are currently disposed of recklessly on roadsides, empty areas, and other locations. The generation of rubbish is doubling every day as the world's population. It is of the most pressing issues in urban areas. The increase in trash has an effect on many people's life. Waste management refers to the disposal and recycling of waste. The manner in which we dispose of it, on the other hand, raises more serious difficulties. There are different methods and procedures for disposing of waste, for example. Landfills, recycling, and composting are only a few examples. These approaches are quite beneficial in disposing of waste without harming the environment. Lack of proper management of such wastes causes a variety of issues, including a foul smell, the spread of disease-causing microorganisms, and more. Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the three R's of waste management that should be followed wherever practicable.

Some ways of Waste management:
a.       Recycling: This method does not necessitate the use of any resources. As a result, this is quite beneficial in terms of trash management. Recycling is the process of repurposing items that have been discarded into useful resources.

b.       Landfills– Landfills are the most popular waste disposal option. Garbage is buried in enormous pits in the earth before being covered by a layer of mud. As a result, the waste inside the pits decomposes over time.
c.       Composting: Compostingis the process of turning organic waste into nutrients. This approach improves the soil's fertility.
d.       Incineration

Advantages of Waste Management
a.       Waste emits a lot of foul odors that are damaging to the environment. So, its management is crucial.
b.       Pollution is reduced– Waste is the leading cause of environmental damage. As a result, waste management is critical. So that the environment does not become contaminated. Furthermore, it improves the city's hygiene so that people may live in a healthier atmosphere.
c.       It also creates jobs - the waste management system requires employees. These individuals can do a variety of tasks, including rubbish collection and disposal. As a result, it provides chances for those who are unemployed. This will also assist them in contributing to society.
d.       Produces Energy– A variety of waste items can be used to generate energy. Some items, for example, can generate heat by burning. In addition, some organic items can be used as fertilizers. As a result, it has the potential to improve soil fertility.

We must act in an ethical manner and ensure that the efficient waste management is done. With concern and affection for our planet and its surroundings, as well as a first step of awakening responsibilities, a zero-waste society is unavoidable. Efficient waste management strategies must be used while keeping the environment in mind.

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  • Dormant user ALOK DHAKAL
  • recommend


  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Alok, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Waste management can be done in so many different ways, but our question is how it could be more eco-friendly. Plans of managing waste while reducing energy use and not polluting the environment being implemented by industries and countries should be done.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 21-02-2022 18:33

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Alok, this is your mentor Joon.

    Waste management, which was our first and second thematic topic, is a crucial part of our system. Without proper management system, our surroundings would be flooded with trashes which would cause tremendous negative impact especially in public health and environmental issues. There are several ways which we are currently using to process it, yet we should find more sustainable way. Hope we could find sustainable methods which does not harm environment soon.

    Well read your articles for 6 months, and hope you to keep up with your work!


    Posted 20-02-2022 12:18

Prince Foley

  • Prince Foley says :
    Thank you Alok for the good report but I don't recommend land fills as they are not sustainable, most of the times if not well made they contaminate underground water.
    Posted 19-02-2022 04:51

  • Bidhata Pathak says :
    Hello Alok,
    Great post. I couldn't agree more, waste management is crucial, indeed. The ways mentioned seem really impactful. I enjoyed and learned from reading it.
    Posted 18-02-2022 22:49

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