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[Free report] My Musings on the environment situation.

by Malewo Chiwanga | 19-02-2022 02:05 recommendations 0

I read somewhere once that when we talk of saving the environment we are really talking about saving ourselves. And it hit me that this is very true, In a sense this makes us seem selfish maybe but is this not the basic instinct of every living being? Survival that is. But interestingly enough even those aware of the gravity that is the environmental situation are very few even though it seems that it is a hot topic nowadays with everything happening the issue of the environment is like a single drop of water hitting the ocean.  
Strangely enough if you look at it from certain points of view maybe the people who don't care have a point? Because the earth will renew itself eventually however long that takes and by that time most humans may potentially have disappeared be it by our own hands or the course of nature. Maybe caring and trying to change something like the environment is hubris such a herculean task that humans pretend they have any control over. But personally I belive this is a defeatist mindset. 
We owe change in our lifetime and the coming generations lifetimes if not for ourselves as people then for all the life we harmed in the process of progress the process of industrialization the process of getting ahead and becoming the most advanced animals on the face of the earth. The gift of a person is the power to reason and change in the blink of an eye we were blessed that way for a reason. I believe it is our responsibility to do something. 

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  • Dormant user Malewo Chiwanga
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Hannah.

    Very interesting. I sometimes wonder what Earth would be like if there were no creatures like human being. Will there be no global warming and no deforestation? I personally thought that saving the environment is to show our next generations the preserved earth, but not sure about my opinion as well.

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 21-02-2022 20:04

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Joon.

    I agree with the point that as a human, it is our responsibility to do something. I would like to add one more claim. As a creature to harm our nature the most, we have responsibility to work on recovering the damages already made. As you have mentioned, as saving the environment we are really talking about saving ourselves, I don't think it is a bad trade off. As for that, I believe we should work on and put effort saving and caring the environment we have been provided.

    Well read your articles for six months, and let's keep up!


    Posted 20-02-2022 13:04

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