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What am I doing to help the environment( thematic report)

by Roselyne Awiti | 23-02-2022 05:42 recommendations 0

What am doing to help the environment?

 All along, it has been reports of people and their impact on the environment. However, this thematic report will give a different narrative. It¡¯s about me and what I do to protect the environment and mother earth at large. Well, this gives me a chance to reflect on my actions. Whether good or bad at the end of the day I will want what I do to positively affect my environment. This has always called for constant examination and rectification of my actions where necessary.

Mother earth has no capability of taking care of itself. It depends on us and more precisely our actions for that. What you do can harm it but it¡¯s you to feel the impact. Let¡¯s say I litter the environment. Yes, the area will be unpleasant to live in but the main question is, unpleasant to who? Obviously, to me. So let¡¯s think about the following before getting to know what I do;

 Do you remember how you treated litters while still young? Or the number of trees you have planted to date? Or even how you felt when somebody littered the environment? If you do, do you still have the same attitude and has your attitude improved to the better?

Okay, for me I do. It¡¯s those acts that have today given me something to write in my report. To begin with, seeing individuals litter the environment always made me irritated. However, pits sometimes being far away gave me no other option but to watch in sorrow! Today, I still thank the inventor of bins who has made waste disposal this easy. I later in my primary school was elected as a prefect (a term used to describe school leaders in primary schools in my country) which gave me the authority to direct my fellow pupils and ensure the school was always clean with wastes properly disposed.

Secondly, seeing my environment or surrounding beautiful makes me happy. This helps me understand why I never get tired of planting any type of vegetation where I live. Talk of flowers, trees, grass and many others. As much as they beatify my surrounding, they also help protect the environment from dangers of erosion among other negative occurrences. In addition, today, I am in several environmental groups that allow me to be part of environment protection. One of such include ¡°race to net zero environmental campaign group¡± that mainly creates awareness to help reduce CO2 production, participate in planting of trees and encourage use of biodegradable materials.

Lastly, I am conducting campaigns mainly using my WhatsApp and LinkedIn accounts to inform people on the effects of their behaviors to mother earth by stating why such acts should be avoided.

Helping the environment is my responsibility but what if you take it as your responsibility too? We will make a great step and that¡¯s what is important.

Do whatever it takes to help the environment and ask your neighbor to do it too!  



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  • Roselyne Awiti says :
    @Hannah Mentor, I will surely not get tired of doing what is right. Thank you very much!
    Posted 28-02-2022 06:59

  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Roselyn, this is your mentor Hannah.

    It's inspiring how you're trying eco-friendly moves yourself, and also guiding and suggesting some actions to people. I'm sure that you inspire people around you and will do the same in the future as well. Please keep up!

    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)


    Posted 28-02-2022 00:23

  • Roselyne Awiti says :
    Thank you Dolma Diki Sherpa
    Posted 26-02-2022 02:31

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Roselyne, this is your mentor Joon.

    I also do not like the way people litter on streets. I always pick up trashes and put it in the bin every time I witness people throwing trashes. It got better these days, but in Korea 2010s, there were still many people not aware of such common social sense. I believe every social participant should participate on solving environmental problems as we are all responsible for it and living based on what environment has given to us. Hope we could see a better future.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 24-02-2022 10:52

  • Dolma Diki Sherpa says :
    Hello ROSELYNE

    Thank you for sharing your activities to protect our mother earth. Keep it up with your great work.

    Kind regards
    Posted 23-02-2022 20:40

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