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Free report: How to Avoid Water pollution

by Malewo Chiwanga | 01-04-2022 05:34 recommendations 0

Due to our first theme being about water pollution in this free report I want to talk about ways we can reduce and or altogether avoid polluting various water sources 

In this day and age we use so many chemicals such as bug sprays, perfumes, the strong paints for houses, bleach and other household solvents all these must be disposed off responsibly to avoid contaminating the water supply. 

Nowadays companies sell organic and biodegradable cleaners so you can shop for these less harmful products to ensure no risk of any contamination. 

Things like fat and grease must never be poured into the drain not only will it clog them but it can get into the water supply and oil never dissolves in water. 

Dispose of medical waste properly or the chemicals can and will infiltrate the ground to things like the groundwater sources.

Try to stop your vehicle from leaking oil and other fluids also volunteer to clean up at beaches and river sides to reduce even a little of the surface pollution. 

And finally Support some local  environmental charities which work towards clearing environmental pollution especially water pollution in your local supply. 



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  • Dormant user Malewo Chiwanga
  • recommend


  • Nayoung Kim says :
    Thank you so much for the useful information!
    Posted 02-08-2022 03:04

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Joon.

    The solutions you have mentioned are crucial in order to alleviate problems related to water pollution. The point that I would like to emphasize is that we should reduce waste as much as possible. The ways include Zero Waste movement and proper waste management system along with social awareness that one should not dispose trash on inadequate location. Disposal of medical wastes must be avoided as it may cause serious harm on environment. It would all return to us.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 05-04-2022 00:40

  • Justice Obiri says :
    Simple but effective, I love your style of writing. You highlighted a lot of ways of avoiding water pollution. Well read.

    Green Cheers from Ghana!
    Posted 04-04-2022 10:29

  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Malewo, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Thanks for introducing several ways to avoid water pollution. Bug spray is harmful not only to bodies of water, but also to the ozone layer. The chemical substance contained in bug spray is one of the main culprits responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer. Before something happens to nature, we should work hard to protect our planet.

    Thank you for the article!

    Posted 04-04-2022 03:06

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