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by Roselyne Awiti | 02-04-2022 04:20 recommendations 0

PAYBACK TIME: Mother Nature speaks in a harsh voice!

Overtime most of our actions have not been pleasing to mother nature. However, the helpless mother nature resolved to silence as she watched in pain. What we didn¡¯t understand is the fact that we were not harming her but ourselves. Think of when we cut trees and emit dangerous gases to the atmosphere with always valid reasons. One time we do it to get space to cultivate and harvest. In another instance, we do it to make food. Of course we should never starve to please mother nature. But did we know there are better ways of doing it? To be precise, eco-friendly ways? I guess we know but constantly choose to be ignorant.

Unfortunately, these actions got to their extreme levels and mother nature for some time has not been able to maintain her silence! It is her time to talk; not verbally but through various occurrences. The loving mother nature¡¯s bitter talks are not meant to punish us but just a reminder to us to be accountable for our actions, the actions that have resulted to current adverse climatic conditions.

What actions prompted her to talk?

Cutting down of trees

Reminisce how constantly we cut trees without planting others in replacement. Mother nature has always been grieving watching us. Due to that, we have unpredictable weather patterns. We today can no longer trust the weather reports from weather forecasters. We term them as liars yet it is our actions making it hard for them to perform their tasks accurately as before hence finding it hard to tell when it is time to plant crops meant to maintain our country¡¯s granary and prevent us from hunger. This has in turn resulted to hunger and death of livestock in many developing countries.

Carbon emissions

Secondly, due to constant emission of CO2 through means such as using highly CO2 emitting vehicles, firewood and charcoal for cooking and emissions from the increased number of industries, our carbon footprint has increased to a level that nature can no longer sustain resulting to higher global warming. Increased Carbon in the air has also led to the respiratory diseases we hear of today.

Constant pollution

Polluting the environment with litters (land pollution), use of chemicals, channeling different harmful substances to our water bodies (water pollution) and emitting harmful gases into the atmosphere (air pollution) has caused some organisms to migrate, evolve while others become extinct yet we depend on them for food.

The same actions have resulted to extreme weather conditions (extremely hot or extremely cold weather), floods among others. The effects of such actions are a representation of mother nature¡¯s harsh voice.

How then can we salvage ourselves from these wraths likely to worsen if we continue being ignorant?

Finding our way

Our lenient mother nature desires not to see us suffer. Since she depends on us for situations to change, she only needs us to take positive measures that will see positive impacts. Such measures include:

  1.          Using renewable sources of energy such as biogas for cooking.
  2.           Calculating our carbon footprint and reducing it as much as we can.
  3.          Turning off lights and unplugging appliances when not in use.
  4.          Using bicycle or environment friendly means of transportation.
  5.           Avoiding cutting down of trees anyhow.
  6.           Implementing carbon free technology.
  7.           Employing climate smart agriculture.

What mother nature does is give us the result of our deeds. So, imagine implementing these measures and informing other people to do the same. Where will we be? What do you think our future will be like in regards to climate change? Better, isn¡¯t it?  So let¡¯s join hands to secure a better future which will be emulated by generations to come.







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  • Dormant user Roselyne Awiti
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  • Nayoung Kim says :
    Thank you so much for the useful information!

    Posted 02-08-2022 03:03

  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Roselyne, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    The way you describe our mother nature is very touching and impressive! We have to know that human activities are harming us ironically. I agree that our mother nature depends on us for the situations to change. Who cause her to suffer are humans, and at the same time, It is also humans who only can help her to recover. There are many different ways to help her, but the most effective way is that we have put them into our action.

    Thank you for the article!

    Posted 08-04-2022 03:40

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Roselyne, this is your mentor Joon.

    I am sure mother nature has lots to speak out to us humans. No matter how much our generous mother nature provides us, we always exploit the resource and no longer make it sustainable. It is human's greedy nature, which helped us develop up until this point, but now causing harm to us. We all know we should follow the measures mentioned in your article, yet I am not sure whether people are willing to do so as we have seen too many counterexamples of it.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 05-04-2022 00:52

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