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Thematic report Importance of Biodiversity conservation

by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 20-05-2022 01:09 recommendations 0

Importance of Biodiversity Conservation


Biodiversity, the variation of life on earth is necessary for a healthy and steady environment.  Diversity of life ensures natural flexibility, gives people the life on which they depend, and improves life on earth. Due to human activities, the planet is now encountering a biodiversity emergency which leads to the loss of species, and a reduction in populations of species. And habitat.

Importance of biodiversity conservation

Economic growth and Poverty Reduction

Most of the plant species are used by local people to extract traditional medicine and Most of the People also rely on timber products for income and subsistence.

Vital for the solution of Climate Change

Ecosystems such as Forest ecosystems and wetlands store a tremendous amount of carbon in them. When we destroy these ecosystems, this carbon getaway into the atmosphere, worsening global warming. Forest can store more carbon from the atmosphere and contribute reduction in climate change.


Support the continuity of different ecosystems

Biodiversity plays a fundamental part in biological system revival and security. If the biodiversity is conserved then entire ecosystems that rely on them are protected.

Aesthetic value

The natural environment provides extraordinary delight to human beings with its structure, shape, and color which enhances people¡¯s culture. Activities such as bird watching, visits to animal parks, and cultural heritage as ways of the increasing value of nature are only made conceivable through biodiversity conservation.

Provides ecosystem services

Biodiversity provides services to human life such as decomposition of waste, pollination, water purification, and maintenance of soil fertility.

The balance between atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained through biodiversity. Failure to preserve biodiversity results in the greenhouse gas effect and gradual depletion of ozone. The consequences are global warming and natural disaster.


We are confronting an unprecedented biodiversity crisis that threatens the future of human life. Our small steps can make a huge difference in biodiversity conservation.


Lhamu dolmaSherpa

  • Nepal Former E-gen Ambassador Lhamu dolma Sherpa
  • recommend


  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Lhamu, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    It is interesting to read about your point of view on the relationship between poverty reduction and biodiversity. We always get something from nature. I can say everything in our lives comes from nature. The monitor we are looking at even came from nature. It is time to give reciprocal help to the earth by preserving its biodiversity. It is also for us because the decline in biodiversity will pose a threat to human survival in the future.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 23-05-2022 02:18

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Lhamu, this is your mentor Joon.

    Though I have thought of environmental values, I did not have a chance to look on perspective of "Economic growth and Poverty Reduction, and its aesthetic values". Interesting approach! As you have listed, there are so many different reasons telling us why we should preserve biodiversity. I am quite sure most people know the importance, but not taking their thoughts into action. Indeed, it is quite broad and ambiguous. What we could do is to think of our own ways which seems to be good for environment. By doing so, we are helping environment, which sustains biodiversity by providing habitat leading to positive effects on biodiversity.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 22-05-2022 17:37

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