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by Happy Mbewe | 30-05-2022 09:01 recommendations 0

Any living organism  has a component of water its body. And this is the reason  why water is attributed as LIFE. This notion directly implies that polluting water is as equal as polluting LIFE. And the horrible property of life is that IT IS A ONE TIME OCCURANCE. This then brings our attention as to why we have to prevent WATER POLLUTION at all cost. Lets see below some measures as to how we can prevent contamination of water as termed as WATER POLLUTION.

Proper waste disposal. We must always make sure that our wastes are well disposed off. Discharging  litter  into water systems or open areas when the litter would flow into water bodies should be avoided at all cost.

Cutting down of tree carelessly should  be avoided. This tendency will leave the water bodies and systems exposed to high evaporation rates making them dry up.

Cultivation of crops along river banks should also be controlled. this malpractice will escalate soil erosion and hence lead to the siltation of the rivers.

Ensuring green cover in all places including along water systems. Green cover ensures that evaporation is not happening in extreme, the roots anchor the soil and protect it from erosion. It also most importantly reduce the rain drop impact and allow more infiltration  than run off.

WATER POLUTION is manageable. It just need us to decide to.

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  • Dormant user Happy Mbewe
  • recommend


  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Happy, this is your mentor Joon.

    Water pollution is indeed manageable. It that the case only for water pollution? I do not think so. In fact, I believe all pollutions are manageable. It is just that humans are not putting into action as it costs us too much. However, if you have a short period of thinking, we could easily reach to the conclusion that it would cost us less if we deal with it now, rather than dealing it once the problems is all over the place. For water pollution, we should first set regulations, restrictions, and ways to enforce them. By doing so, we would get the best input/output ratio.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 30-05-2022 22:52

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