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Unpredictable Weather - recurring flash floods.

by raja khadeejah | 31-05-2022 23:18 recommendations 0

As days passes by, the weather's mood swings just sways more and more. The weather is practically unpredictable! We have no idea when will it rain or when will it be sunny. It could be thunderstorms and flash floods yesterday and drought today. 

However, based on the title, i would like to talk about the recurring flash floods we face often. What's the cause of it? Why is it constantly happening? What can we do to prevent it?? 

One of the main reasons why flash floods is occuring so oftenly is due to the cutting down of trees in a large portion and that argiculture places has been cleared up. And its also happening due to the climate change because of the unpredictable weather. 

Now, in my opinion, its quite impossible for us students to prevent it, right. So the only way we can create a movement is by voicing out and promote awareness. Besides that, we can also keep our documents somehwere safe and waterproof in order to prevent our documents from getting destroyed. 

If we can't change the world, then we change ourselves to fit the world. Nothing is impossible unless you try. 


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  • Dormant user raja khadeejah
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Raja, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    I hear the news about flood damage in my country at times. I agree that this kind of an environmental disaster is not what we, students, can solve directly by ourselves. However, we can make our voice and raise awareness with constant efforts. I think this role is essential to encourage many other people and to make changes from policy-makers. I think this Tunza-eco generatioin platform is one of the channels through which we can put them into action. Let??s keep up!

    Thank you for the article!

    Posted 05-06-2022 02:36

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Raja, this is your mentor Joon.

    As the climate change accelerates, the weather is getting harder and harder to predict. The data which we have accumulated for years does not fit the weather of these days and cannot explain it. The reason is quite clear: Human activities. Even though we are fully aware of the reason, it is hard to address as there are so many companies, countries, and unions which just cares about their own benefit. This should be stopped and we should work together to address the problem.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 01-06-2022 00:33

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