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(Thematic report) Biodiversity

by ALOK DHAKAL | 02-06-2022 18:19 recommendations 0

28th Ambassadorship, Month 3, Report 2
Month: May
Thematic report
Topic: Biodiversity
The presence of various plant and animal species on the planet is referred to as biodiversity. It is also calledas biological diversity because it is related to the different flora and fauna species. Biodiversity is essential for sustaining the earth's balance and ecosystem.  Biodiversity encompasses not only species that are unusual, imperiled, or endangered, but also all living things, from people to bacteria, fungi, and invertebrates.

Broadly there are three types of biodiversity, namely Genetic, Species and Ecosystem biodiversity. Genetic Biodiversity- Genetic variety refers to the variation in genes and genotypes within a species, such as how each human looks. Similarly, Species Biodiversity- Species diversity refers to the number of different species found in a certain environment. And ecosystem biodiversity- Ecological biodiversity refers to the diversity of plant and animal species that live in close proximity and are linked by food chains and food webs.

What Is the Importance of Biodiversity?
Biodiversity is essential in almost every element of our existence. This means that we appreciate biodiversity both for the benefits it gives to us and for its intrinsic value. The numerous essential necessities humans acquire from biodiversity are food, fuel, shelter, and medicine, are some utilitarian benefits. Ecosystems also helps in pollination, distribution of seed, regulation of climate, purification of water, nutrient cycling, and pest control.

Biodiversity also has value in terms of undiscovered advantages, such as new medications and other unknown services.
a. Stability in the Environment
In an ecosystem, each species has a specialized purpose. They create and breakdown organic matter as well as capture and store energy. The ecosystem offers facilities that humans cannot live without. A varied ecosystem is more productive and able to resist stress from the environment.
b. Importance to the Economy
-Biodiversity are source for production of foods, cosmetics, and medications.
-Crops, animals, fisheries, and forests are all excellent food sources.
-Medicinal plants such as Cinchona and Foxglove are found in the wild.
-Plant species are source of wood, fibres, perfumes, lubricants, rubber, resins, poison and cork.
-The national parks and sanctuaries are a source of tourism. They are a source of beauty and joy for many people.
c. Importance on Ethics
All living things have the right to exist. Humans should not be the cause of their extinction. Biodiversity protects many civilizations and spiritual traditions. As a result, biodiversity preservation is important.
Increase in human population and irresponsible use of resources are the two most serious threats to biodiversity. Habitat loss, invasive species introduction, and overharvesting are the leading drivers of extinction today. Each species would eventually become extinct owing to a lack of appetite and hunger if biodiversity conservation is not done effectively. This scenario has been a major concern for several decades, and many unique species have already perished. Several species are still on the verge of extinction as a result of a lack of biodiversity protection. So, lets protect biodiversity.

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  • Dormant user ALOK DHAKAL
  • recommend


  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Alok, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Biodiversity is what we must protect ourselves. I could not agree with you more. It is essential to the health of our planet and to our well-being as human beings. As time goes on, the importance of ethics becomes a topic. All living things have the right to exist. We cannot hurt them for any reason. We need to keep a distance from their ecosystem and give them enough time to restore themselves.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 12-06-2022 03:29

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Alok, this is your mentor Joon.

    Why do we cry for sustainability? What are the fundamental problem we are trying solve? Though answers might differ, what I would answer, if someone asks about the question, will be to conserve the biodiversity. We are fearing for biodiversity loss, and we are fearing for extinction. We cannot live alone. We always depend on other species. If the biodiversity collapses, we would suffer serious, or even fatal damage which cannot be recovered. Therefore, we should try our best to keep the biodiversity as possible.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 04-06-2022 20:31

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