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(June Theme) Green Certification

by Seoyoon Min | 18-06-2022 11:57 recommendations 0

¡°Energy Efficiency Labeling and Standard¡± in South Korea


Today I¡¯m going to be talking about one of the green certification programs Joon mentioned in his theme announcement, the ¡®Energy Efficiency Rating System¡¯ in South Korea.


Since its establishment in 1980, Korea Energy Agency (KEA) is responsible for promoting efficient and rational energy use in Korea. In order to accelerate development of energy efficiency technology and encourage consumers to purchase energy saving products, ¡°Energy Efficiency Labeling and Standard¡± was introduced in 1992. This program mandates that commonly used products that consume large amount of energy be labeled with energy efficiency ratings. The ratings range from the less energy consuming product (level 1) to the highest one (level 5). The products that did not meet the minimum energy performance standards are banned. The products that have these labeling are total of 35 products which include refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, rice cookers, vacuum cleaners, electric fans, and television sets.

 I looked around the house to check if the household appliances did actually have these labels and they did. Most of the appliances were rated level 1 with a few exceptions of electric fans and air purifiers with level 2 and 3 ratings. I asked my mom if she was conscious of these ratings, and she said she was. When she buys new appliances, she always checks to see if it is rated level 1. She said those few exceptions were bought long ago when she was unaware of the environment issues like now. I hope everybody become more and more aware of things we can do to save energy in our daily lives.



Energy Efficiency Labeling

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  • Dormant user Seoyoon Min
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Seoyoon, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Many koreans are familiar with this labeling (or marking) because it is difficult to find a household appliance without this type of labeling. This Energy Efficiency Rating System gives us a criterion for purchasing devices and appliances. The awesomeness of this system is that with these labels we can check how much power it takes to work in detail. In the past, relatively large devices were generally rated level 4 or 5, but today, many large devices rated level 1 or 2 also come out in Korea.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 26-06-2022 09:04

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Seoyoon, this is your mentor Joon.

    If you are Korean, you could easily see the energy efficiency mark glued on most of the white goods. The tax applied to the price differ by the efficiency of electronic goods and the more efficient the product becomes, the less tax applied to the consumer price which leads to price competitiveness. It is believed to be one of the successful case of green certification which was made in Korea. These days, it is really hard to find the products with efficiency grade of 5, and there are some sayings which claims the standard should be renewed.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 25-06-2022 14:32

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