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Monthly Thematic Report August- Social Contribution Activities of Corporations

by Sagar Koirala | 12-08-2022 02:02 recommendations 0

Today, corporations are judged on the decisions they make about their treatment of employees and customers and their impact on social issues. Issues such as diversity, equality, social justice and climate change become concerns that are incorporated into business strategies and brand identity as decision-makers attempt to create a positive impact so that social contribution can be made. Some social and environmental contributions that corporations are trying to make includes:

 * Reducing carbon footprint

* Engaging in charity work 

 *Purchasing fair trade products 

* Investing in environmentally conscious businesses

* Getting involved in volunteer work

* Improving labor policies

Some of the brands or corporate which are totally working to fulfill above mentioned contributions are listed below along with their actions:

1.    Google

Google is trusted not only for its environmentally friendly initiatives but also due to its outspoken CEO, Sundar Pichai. He stands up against social issues including President Donald Trump¡¯s anti-Muslim comments. Google also earned the Reputation Institute¡¯s highest CSR 2018 score much in part due to their data centers using 50% less energy than others in the world. They also have committed over $1 billion to renewable energy projects and enable other businesses to reduce their environmental impact through services such as Gmail.

2.    Coca-Cola

 As a brand, Coca-Cola is putting a huge focus on sustainability. The key areas are climate, packaging and agriculture along with water stewardship and product quality. Their message is ¡®a world without waste¡¯, with the aim of collecting and recycling every bottle, making their packaging 100% recyclable and replacing all water used in creating their drinks back to the environment to ensure water security. They aim that by 2030, they will have reduced their carbon footprint by 25%.


3.    Ford Motor Company

Ford has huge plans in the area of CSR. Their mission is to ¡®build a better world, where everyone is free to move and pursue their dreams¡¯. They have increased investment in electrification to $22Bn (from an original $11Bn) and aim for their vehicles to be carbon neutral by 2050.   ¡°We¡¯re committed to carbon neutrality¡±, stated Bob Holy cross, Ford¡¯s VP, Chief Sustainability, Environment & Safety Officer. ¡°It¡¯s the right thing for our customers, the planet and Ford. Ninety-five percent of our carbon emissions today come from our vehicles, operations and suppliers, and we¡¯re tackling all three areas with urgency and optimism,¡± Interestingly, the company is also focusing on pay equity. They are conducting a diversity, equity and inclusion audit while introducing a global salaried pay ratio (including gender) to level the playing field for all employees.


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  • Dormant user Sagar Koirala
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Thank you for introducing us to several companies participating CSR. High customers demand on green products and services is the best feed for companies to make efforts to run their businesses sustainably. I hope that this trend will lead to the creation of a virtuous circle in which every entity moves in the same way.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 27-08-2022 03:48

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar, this is your mentor Joon.

    It is their responsibility to actively participate considering how much they are destroying the environment. Google is consuming so much electricity on maintaining their servers, and coca cola is wasting so much water while producing 1 liter of coke.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 17-08-2022 10:18

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