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Comments [Thematic report] Social Contribution Activities of Corporations

by Nataly Montesinos Canales | 13-08-2022 08:06 recommendations 0

What is corporate social responsibility?
It is the idea that an organization should be interested and willing to help society and the environment, in addition to being concerned about the products and profits it makes.

The social function of business includes the integration of social, environmental, ethical and human rights concerns into its business strategy and operations, i.e., the purpose of corporate social responsibility is to give back to the community. And when you give back to others, you also get positive results.

Corporate social responsibility is about implementing efforts to preserve the environment, whether it's recycling your products, donating to relevant causes or reducing your emissions.

In other words, corporate social responsibility aims to create a sustainable business in the broad sense, where people and the environment are respected at every stage of the process of creating and marketing a product or service.


Social responsibility towards the environment is a concern of Google. According to a note published on its website, the company states that it has been carbon-neutral since 2007. This means that the technological leader in the market has achieved zero carbon dioxide emissions.

The same publication also states that Google has adopted renewable energy in 100% of its operations since 2017 and plans further actions to preserve the environment.

In order to reduce its carbon footprint and stimulate concrete changes along the entire production chain, Google invested more than US$ 2 billion in building a new energy infrastructure, including millions of solar panels and hundreds of wind turbines spread across three continents.


Founded in 1932 in Denmark, Lego is one of the world's most iconic toy companies. Its yellow plastic dolls are recognized everywhere and have starred in several blockbuster movies.

As part of its social responsibility to the environment, Lego will invest US $150 million over the next 15 years to prevent climate change and reduce waste. 

The company has reduced its packaging and invested in an alternative energy source, and plans to obtain 100% renewable energy soon.

To achieve this, the company will hire a team to support its commitment to using sustainable materials and plans to achieve a 90% recycling rate.


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  • Dormant user Nataly Montesinos Canales
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Nataly, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    We can easily find that all famous global companies are heading to green businesses. We live in an area where it is a responsibility for any corporates to contribute and give back to the community and the environment, not a choice. Thank you for introducing us to several famous corporates?? movements!

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 30-08-2022 01:22

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Nataly, this is your mentor Joon.

    There are diverse ways that corporations participate on their social contribution programs. Some just donate money, while the others make organizations to actively participate on the issue. Corporations should always keep in mind that they have their responsibility to return their deeds to environment and society.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!


    Posted 17-08-2022 10:39

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