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Free Report: Phytoremediation

by Sandhya Adhikari | 21-08-2022 02:18 recommendations 0

Heavy metal accumulation in soil has been rapidly enhanced due to various natural processes and anthropogenic (industrial) activities. As heavy metals are non-biodegradable, they persist in the environment and have potential to enter the food chain through crop plants, and eventually may accumulate in the human body through biomagnification. Owing to their toxic nature, heavy metal contamination has posed a serious threat to human health and the ecosystem. Therefore, remediation of land contamination is of paramount importance. Phytoremediation is an eco-friendly approach that could be a successful mitigation measure to revegetate heavy metal-polluted soil in a cost-effective way. 

Heavy metals are non-degradable by any biological or physical process and are persistent in the soil for a long period, which pose a long-term threat for the environment. Phytoremediation is a plant-based approach, which involves the use of plants to extract and remove elemental pollutants or lower their bioavailability in soil. Plants have the abilities to absorb ionic compounds in the soil even at low concentrations through their root system. Plants extend their root system into the soil matrix and establish rhizosphere ecosystem to accumulate heavy metals and modulate their bioavailability, thereby reclaiming the polluted soil and stabilizing soil fertility. There are advantages of using phytoremediation, which include: (i) economically feasible—phytoremediation is an autotrophic system powered by solar energy, therefore, simple to manage, and the cost of installation and maintenance is low, (ii) environment and eco-friendly—it can reduce exposure of the pollutants to the environment and ecosystem, (iii) applicability—it can be applied over a large-scale field and can easily be disposed, (iv) it prevents erosion and metal leaching through stabilizing heavy metals, reducing the risk of spreading of contaminants, (v) it can also improve soil fertility by releasing various organic matters to the soil.

 To sum up there are various technique used for reducing heavy metal pollutants. Hence, Phytoremediation has been proven to be a promising technique for revegetation of heavy metal-polluted soil with a good public acceptance and shows a variety of advantages compared with other physicochemical techniques.                            Reference:https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2020.00359/full Google, picture courtesy : google

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  • Dormant user Sandhya Adhikari
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Justice, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Well written article about the danger of heavy metal! And it was informative to know how phytoremediation works. When a person is exposed to heavy metal substances such as mercury, it is very difficult to return to the original state of health, as it can be easily accumulated inside the human body, at the same time, it is also not easily excreted. Furthermore, it represents one of the causes of cancer and birth defects. This will affect not only the ecosystem around the river but also the indigenous people living near it which will last for a very long time.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 30-08-2022 21:46

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Sandhya, this is your mentor Joon.

    Indeed increase in heavy metal concentration on our soil is becoming a huge issue. However, there have not been some sharp solution which we could use. The way which is introduced in this article is also the example of those solutions which could not be used widely. However, it is always good to keep up the effort to come up for the solution.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!



    Posted 30-08-2022 20:02

  • Justice Obiri says :
    WOw! This is new to me, planting trees can help reduce metal accumulation in soil, that's relieving. Is it any plant at all?
    Posted 21-08-2022 19:57

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