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The contribution to the environment by the LEGO company

by Seyara Vidanagamage | 22-08-2022 10:09 recommendations 0

The contribution to the environment by the LEGO company 

" In the LEGO Group we want to make a positive impact and we do that through these bricks, they create positive impact to children and society through creativity and learning." 

-Tim Brooks- VP Environmental Responsibility-

According to the LEGO Group building means more than bricks to them. To them, it means leaving a positive impact on the planet the future generation inherits. Also, it means that as a company they must set a great example and inspire children to do the same.  
The LEGO company partnered with the World Wildlife Fund in 2013, becoming the first toy company to join the WWF Climate Savers Program. 
This commitment to change required us to reduce the energy used to create each LEGO element by 10%, equivalent to taking 2000 cars off the road annually. And at the same time, reducing the energy used across all their factories and offices formed the first stage of their plan for their energy consumption to be 100% balanced by renewable energy by 2020.
  But rather than taking small steps towards their 2020 goal, they decided to take a giant leap instead.  
So, they built a wind farm with their partners, that will enable them to generate as much renewable energy as they consume in the manufacture of LEGO bricks.  
Brick by Brick: A Visit to LEGO's Factory in Eastern Hungary - Hungary Today

Their investment in two wind farms, the 32 turbines at Burbo Bank Extension off -shore in the United Kingdom and another 78 turbines at Borkum Riffgrund off the coast of Germany, now provides clean power for more than half a million European households. And at 187m tall, the turbines at Burbo Bank Extension are the biggest wind turbines built on planet Earth so far. 
    Now the energy generated by the two off-shore wind farms exceeds the amount of energy used at their factories, offices and stores around the world. 
The LEGO Group sends 93% of all factory waste to be recycled, including 100% of plastic from their modeling machines, some of which is reduced in our own manufacturing. Their 2025 ambition is to make all packaging 100% sustainable, including removing single-use plastic in all products and packaging.    

LEGO asks kids to 'rebuild the world' with first brand campaign in 30 years

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  • Dormant user Seyara Vidanagamage
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Seyara, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    Wow! It is meaningful that LEGO company became the first toy company to join the WWF Climate Savers Program!
    Most of well-known companies take the lead not only in their fields but also in environmental responsibility. It is not like someone enforced them to do so. They just considered preparing sustainability as the only way to survive.

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 30-08-2022 21:46

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Seyara, this is your mentor Joon.

    I have read different articles of LEGO company contributing to the society, and it seems like this is another example shown. The company is famous for its actions to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Hope you could find more of the examples by surfing through the internet.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!



    Posted 30-08-2022 20:07

Patience Nansamba

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