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What does being in nature do for me?

by Nam Phuong Nguyen | 25-08-2022 15:45 recommendations 0

Do you know? Is there a friend who is always by your side in every moment, tirelessly responding to all your needs, unselfishly, asking for nothing in return and never judging you? You can be yourself when you're with that friend, even if you look ugly that day. So who is this friend? That is nature.

Since ancient times, people have grown up with nature, and spending time enjoying the natural scenery contributes to happiness. But today, the rapid development of cities with skyscrapers, asphalt roads replacing the natural scenery, the hustle and bustle of urban life force people to rush to the wheel of the city. The task of not being left behind has occupied almost all of human time, the modern rhythm of life with advanced electronic devices makes us less interested in blending with the world.
Trải nghiệm thiên nhiên Đà Lạt

Nature is a miracle therapy
Trees, grasses, animals, oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, hills, valleys, clouds and sky create three-dimensional space and multi-sensory experiences that computer screens or televisions have. inapproachable. Moreover, nature is a living being. One study showed that a daily 30-minute walk in the countryside reduced depressive symptoms in 70% of study participants and their ego improved by 90%. In contrast, a trip to the mall was only able to improve symptoms of depression by 45% in study participants, and 22% of the study group got worse when going to the mall. shopping malls.

If you do not have access to the beaches, forests, or national reserves, you can return to nature in your own yard or a park near your house. Planting some fruit trees and flowers to attract butterflies is also a good idea to decorate your home. According to some studies, the more time you spend in the green space of the house, watching the clouds hover in the clear blue sky, listening to the wind blowing through the trees and reading a good book in the middle of the vast land. under the sun, the stress level will be significantly reduced.

Enjoy the colors, the plants and the rustling sound as the wind blows through the grass. Look at the trees standing quietly like selfless sages. They are a symbol of peace, purifying the air, keeping the earth monolithic and giving people sweet flowers without asking for anything in return.

No more stress when immersing yourself in nature

Look at the shape of the tree, its height, its branches, and the moss on its bark. Admire the shape, size, color and veins on the eye-catching green leaves. See the flowers, squirrels and birds taking shelter in the branches of the trees.

Hình ảnh trong 1 tour trải nghiệm tại Đà Lạt của Dala Travel

By practicing such contemplation of nature, nature will become a primary concern in your life. You will pay more attention to plants, flowers, even insects. Nature will give your mind a break and get away from the sometimes negative ruminations that you might get lost in.

In one study, patients recovering from gallbladder surgery observed plants from their hospital beds. As a result, they had a shorter hospital stay and required less pain medication than patients in a room with only a brick wall. In other studies, exposure to sunlight resulted in less pain and less stress. In the case of heart disease patients, their hospital stay will be shorter and at the same time longer life expectancy.

There is a phenomenon that psychologists call ¡°positive compensation¡±. When no threat is present, people perceive their surroundings in a rather positive way. In that state, we begin to explore, engage, and interact with our surroundings. Some biologists even believe that this instinct will keep us happy while hiking and remind toddlers to explore the world around them. In other words, you will experience a greater sense of well-being when you focus your attention on nature and away from psychological threats. By neutralizing negativity and reducing wandering thoughts, compensating positivity can help you get closer to your loved ones as you spend time with them in a natural setting.

Every day, enjoy the fresh air and reminisce about the moments you spent looking at the trees around you.

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  • Dormant user Nam Phuong Nguyen
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  • Chelwoon Mentor says :
    Hello Nam, this is your mentor Chelwoon.

    I love the way you expressed the nature in the first paragraph of this article! If someone ask me what the nature give for us, it might take more than 10 days to tell. We can also relieve our stress by just appreciating the beauty of the nature!

    Thank you for the article!


    Posted 01-09-2022 06:07

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Nam, this is your mentor Joon.

    Nature is a place where we belong, and that is why it is 'natural' that we feel comfortable when we are surrounded by it. However, as the days past, we are now loosing what we used to enjoy. Now is the time to take action. Or else, we would not be able to recover from our past mistakes.

    It was a pleasure for me to mentor you on past 6 months. What I feel, and realize now is that I have not been knowledgeable enough to provide more information related to different subjects. Hope you could keep up with environmental activities as well as your other works. Once again, thank you for following me.

    Well read your article, and let's keep up!



    Posted 30-08-2022 20:18

  • Hoang Ngan says :
    Posted 25-08-2022 15:53

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