September thematic report : Terrifying sandstorm in Algeria |
by Abdelouahab KRIM | 01-10-2022 04:29
In April 2022, a sandstorm swept through western Algeria. The sky started to turn red and then the temperature rose. The next morning, all the residents of western Algeria woke up with sand covering them (or some kind of dust) I was one of those people because I live in the area, this weather continued The stranger, about a week ago, led to natural disasters represented in the destruction of crops and the spread of allergies. After this storm, I personally developed an excessive sensitivity to dust. During all that week, we felt as if we were in the desert, even though we live in coastal and green areas. After I searched more, I discovered that the source of the storm was the Sahara Desert and that it reached several other countries such as Morocco and southern Europe. And here shows the seriousness of the phenomenon of desertification, which tried this phenomenon to turn the green continent without deserts (Europe) into a desert
Hi, Abdelouahab KRIM!
This is your mentor, Yoon.
I am sorry to hear about the sandstorm that went through Algeria. Your report would be better if you provided the exact source that you discovered.
Nice job on writing the thematic free report!
I am looking forward to reading your following report!
Posted 02-10-2022 00:19
Hello, this is your mentor Minkyung.
I am heartbroken to hear that a sandstorm struck your region, causing damage. You might want to add some details on how the sandstorm is formed or what the effects are if you want to make your report much more credible.
Also, I would appreciate it if you could include some photos of sandstorms.
Keep up the work!
Posted 01-10-2022 20:29