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[October Thematic Report] Energy Generation

by Meena Pandey | 08-10-2022 00:03 recommendations 0

Renewable energy sources are regarded as clean energy sources since they produce little secondary waste, have little influence on the environment, and can be sustained for the foreseeable future in light of societal, economic, and environmental demands. The sun is where all energies come from. Solar energy mostly manifests as heat and light. The environment transforms and absorbs heat and sunlight in a variety of ways. Some of these transformations lead to the flow of renewable energy sources like wind and biomass. By replacing conventional energy sources, renewable energy technologies offer a great chance to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and slow down global warming.

The variety of technology and resources available with renewable energy sources is one of their most prominent characteristics. There is little question that the total scale of the renewable energy resource will be significant and could, in theory, easily exceed the existing global electricity supply by contributing significantly to the world's energy needs.

When compared to traditional electricity, renewable energy has been more expensive, making it reliant on incentives and subsidies. Technology advancements have made wind and solar more economically viable. Rapid industrialization, the depletion of energy supplies, and serious political unrest in nations that export oil and gas have all contributed to the large-scale development of nuclear energy. Traditional energy sources made of fossil fuels also damage the environment through their greenhouse gas emissions.

Nuclear energy is expensive but it doesnot emit greenhouse gases. Nuclear energy pollutes the water sources. Both boiling water reactors (BWRs) and pressurized water reactors use water to cool the nuclear fission chambers (PWRs). In PWRs, coolant does not come into touch with the reactor because primary pipes allow cold water to enter while secondary pipes remove heated water. Since water flows through the reactor core of BWRs, any fuel leakage could pollute the water, which would then spread to the remainder of the system.

Nuclear accidents are the main cause of the risks associated with nuclear energy. The biggest issue with open cycle fuel usage is that it produces radioactive nuclear waste. Negative feedback, the single failure, diversity, and depth protection concepts, as well as the significance of the human aspect, are the foundations for nuclear power plant safety.









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  • Dormant user Meena Pandey
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  • Minkyung Mentor says :
    Hello, this is your mentor Minkyung.

    Thank you for elaborating on the differences between traditional energy and renewable energy. Because renewable energy resources are not perfect themselves, I think we need to make efforts to bring the benefits of various energy resources together and make progress in developing an 'ideal' source of energy.

    Thank you for the informative report :)
    Posted 13-10-2022 12:07

  • Junghyun Mentor Yoon says :
    Hi, Meena Pandey!
    This is your mentor, Yoon.

    You did well in comparing traditional energy sources and renewable energy. Your report also described well why nuclear energy might not be a perfect alternative to fossil fuels.

    Great job on writing the thematic report!
    I am looking forward to reading your following report!
    Posted 08-10-2022 16:05

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