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[November free report] Environmental education project for children: "El Tesoro de la Lectura"

by Anghy Aquino | 19-11-2022 16:00 recommendations 0

I strongly believe in the power of environmental education to create more conscious citizens who act in favor of the environment, so for the past two months I have been working with three partners on an environmental education (EE) project aimed at children.

Throughout my life, I have participated in numerous environmental activities, including volunteering, campaigns, events, contests, etc., but this time I would like to tell you a little about the latest project that I am working on with three partners and friends. 

The name of our project is "El Tesoro de la Lectura" (The Treasure of Reading), and it consists of holding Zoom sessions with the participation of a volunteer and five children from 8 to 12 years old. The volunteer is in charge of guiding and supporting the children in the reading of stories and texts on environmental issues and in the conduct of games and didactic activities related to the readings in PowerPoint. The objective of our project is to provide children with the knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills to help them make informed decisions about addressing environmental and social issues. In addition, our project aims to empower children with skills and motivation to encourage positive action.

Our project is still in the qualification phase as it is part of a course organized by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (Peru). My partners and I presented it to a jury two weeks ago, and we really hope to win, as the winning project will be implemented by the team that proposed it with the help of the Municipality of Lima and other collaborating institutions. And even if we can't win this time, we still plan to disseminate our educational materials (readings, games, and didactic activities in PowerPoint) through social networks so that any teacher, child, or parent can access them for free. We all have the right to access educational materials.

EE is the most powerful tool to combat climate change and all its devastating effects, which have already caused too much damage around the world.

Below, I will share some screenshots of my team, project, and educational materials.

My team after the presentation of our project

The first slide of our presentation

The prototype of our project

Screenshot of our educational materials in PowerPoint

Screenshot of our educational materials in PowerPoint

Screenshot of our educational materials in PowerPoint

Screenshot of our educational materials in PowerPoint



  • Peru Former E-gen Ambassador Anghy Aquino
  • recommend


  • Junghyun Mentor Yoon says :
    Hi, Anghy Aquino!
    This is your mentor, Yoon.

    Thank you for introducing such a great program! I totally agree with you that raising environmental awareness through education is very important.

    I really hope that your project can win!

    Great job on writing the free report.
    I am looking forward to reading your following report!
    Posted 22-11-2022 12:02

Elina  Haber

  • Elina Haber says :
    That's WOW! If you are 15-17, apply to the rise for the world scholarship!

    Posted 22-11-2022 01:11

Minkyung Mentor

  • Minkyung Mentor says :
    Hello, this is your mentor Minkyung.

    Thank you for sharing the environmental education project you are participating in. It is wonderful that you are working to raise awareness of the environment, and I hope many others join your journey!

    Great job writing this month's report :)
    Posted 20-11-2022 13:27

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