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Le rôle des leaders verts de la prochaine génération

by Fermaud ADOUMADJI MBAIORNOM | 28-02-2023 09:52 recommendations 0

New technologies at the service of the environment go hand in hand with the development of new production methods, a transition to new economic business models and the strengthening of circular economy logic.

 ¡°The circular economy model aims to ensure that goods and services are produced while limiting the consumption and waste of raw materials, water and energy sources. » The circular economy model was introduced in the French energy transition law for green growth voted in 2015.

It opposes the linear production and consumption model which consists of extracting raw materials, transforming them, consuming them and throw them away. The circular economy model aims to ensure that goods and services are produced while limiting the consumption and waste of raw materials, water and energy sources. In terms of organizational and environmental practices, such methods involve: improving ¡°waste prevention¡±, i.e. taking action before waste is produced; a set of measures taken at the level of the design, distribution and consumption of the good; and management of this waste that would reinject it into the economic cycle, promoting reuse and recycling. The positive effects on the environment of this type of production method are numerous and notable.

One of the major implications stems from the fact that this type of model makes it possible to gradually decouple economic growth from the consumption of raw materials.


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  • Dormant user Fermaud ADOUMADJI MBAIORNOM
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  • Serah Emiade says :
    Thank you for sharing
    Posted 02-03-2023 08:21

Minkyung Mentor

  • Minkyung Mentor says :
    Hello, this is your mentor Minkyung.

    Thank you for sharing your insight on green technology. However, your title doesn't match your content, so please check and revise. Also, it feels like you still have some more to explain before ending the report, so please add some more writing if needed.
    Posted 02-03-2023 03:31

  • Junghyun Mentor Yoon says :
    This is your mentor, Yoon.

    Thank you for introducing new economic business models for a circular economy. Your article is well structured, and your writing is clear and concise.

    Great job on writing the free report.
    I am looking forward to reading your following report!
    Posted 01-03-2023 12:42

Thanh Pham

  • Thanh Pham says :
    I met same situation too and really hope that Eco Teams will understand for me and you. Anyway, your eassay is really inspiring.
    Posted 28-02-2023 13:53

  • Fermaud ADOUMADJI MBAIORNOM says :
    Please understand me because I had a problem on the platform, I couldn't submit my rendering since before yesterday. I just did it. I ask for your indulgence and to consider my relationship with others.
    Posted 28-02-2023 09:53

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