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[March Free Report] Cerro Verde mining company's contribution to endangered species conservation

by Anghy Aquino | 15-03-2023 14:32 recommendations 0

Cerro Verde, one of the most reputable mining companies operating in Peru, has been implementing programs aimed at the conservation of endangered species as part of its biodiversity management plan, which is included in its social and environmental responsibility project. Two of these programs stand out: one dedicated to the conservation of the Peruvian long-snouted bat (Platalina genovensium) and the other to the protection of the guanaco (Lama guanicoe). Cerro Verde received international recognition for the great work it has been doing in these programs. 

For the conservation of the Peruvian long-snouted bat, Cerro Verde carries out activities to maintain its habitat unaltered, paying special attention to protecting the shelters where they roost. Cerro Verde also focuses on protecting the bats' food sources: the cacti that produce nectar, a key factor in their diet. 

Malo J. (October 9, 2010). Long-snouted Bat. Peru. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-snouted_bat

To conserve the guanaco, Cerro Verde has been implementing measures to improve the guanaco's habitat and to monitor and control possible threats to this species. 


Guanaco. (n. d.). Ecología Verde. 

Because of Cerro Verde's commitment to biodiversity conservation and protection and the success of these programs, the international NGO Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) granted two international awards to the Biodiversity Management Plan of Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde. WHC promotes and certifies biodiversity conservation, ecological responsibility, and biodiversity education in the private sector worldwide. 

The great work being done by Cerro Verde in favor of biodiversity conservation should be imitated by all companies in both the private and public sectors. We must be aware of the importance of private companies and private capital in the execution of these types of programs and not see private and foreign companies as enemies but rather as allies for the protection of the environment.

Reference materials:

Cerro Verde. (July 25, 2021). Cerro Verde recibe dos reconocimientos internacionales por programas que incluyen la conservación de especies en peligro. Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde.


  • Peru Former E-gen Ambassador Anghy Aquino
  • recommend


  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Anghy! This is your mentor James!
    First of all, sorry for the late comment!

    I see that the corresponding firm is certainly making valuable contributions in protecting endangered species such as the Peruvian bat and the Guanaco. I personally think that firms like this should not only be awarded but also should be compensated with financial support for their ecological progress.

    Thanks for the wonderful report! Looking forward to reading your next one!
    Posted 04-05-2023 16:03

Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello Anghy! Again, this is mentor Yewon.

    In succession to your previous report about NPC, you have written a report about the case of a mining company!

    It was very interesting that the mining company, Cerro Verde tried to conserve endangered animals, the Peruvian long-snouted bat (Platalina genovensium) and the guanaco (Lama guanicoe). Usually, companies are considered to be pursuing economic benefits, and it was surprising that this company thought of a wild ecosystem.

    Thank you for sharing an imitable case of preserving wildlife!!
    Posted 29-03-2023 02:02

Tuvimanyu  Gautam

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