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[March Theme Report] Wildlife Preservation

by Alex Kim | 30-03-2023 01:01 recommendations 0

Wildlife preservation refers to the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their habitats. It is of the utmost importance in maintaining the health of our ecosystems and the world as a whole. The demand for natural resources is at an all-time high in order to support our growing population. Unfortunately, this has the adverse affects of straining the Earth's  ecosystems and exploiting them past what they can safely handle. This report will go over the importance of wildlife preservation, an example in the Philippines of a species under threat, and lastly solutions to overcome the urgent issue of our exploited Earth. 

Wildlife preservation and the protection of biodiversity go hand-in-hand. Biodiversity can be described as the amount of biological or living diversity per unit area — essentially, the variety of living things. 

Biodiversity, or the variety of living organisms on earth, is incredibly important for several scientific reasons:

Ecosystem Functioning: Biodiversity is essential for the functioning of ecosystems. Each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem, and when biodiversity is reduced, the balance of the ecosystem can be disrupted, leading to a decline in ecosystem services such as air and water purification, nutrient cycling, and pest control.

Evolutionary Adaptation: Biodiversity provides the raw material for natural selection to act on. The more diverse the gene pool, the more likely it is that a species can adapt to changing environmental conditions, such as climate change, disease, or habitat destruction.

Ecological Stability: Biodiversity can increase the resilience of ecosystems to disturbances. Ecosystems with higher biodiversity tend to be more stable and resilient, able to recover from environmental stressors and disturbances more quickly.

Economic Benefits: Biodiversity provides numerous economic benefits, including food, medicine, and raw materials for industry. Many of these benefits are yet to be discovered, and losing species through extinction could mean missing out on potentially valuable resources.

Aesthetic Value: Biodiversity also has aesthetic value, providing humans with a sense of wonder and inspiration. The beauty and diversity of the natural world can improve our mental health and wellbeing.

Wildlife preservation serves to alleviate the stress placed on ecosystem biodiversity by conserving wildlife species. One example of a species under threat is One example of a threatened wildlife species in the Philippines is the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi). The Philippine Eagle is found in the forests of the Philippines, primarily on the islands of Luzon, Samar, Leyte, and Mindanao. However, due to habitat loss and poaching, the Philippine Eagle has become endangered. The primary cause of habitat loss is deforestation, as the Philippine Eagle relies on large trees for nesting and hunting. The destruction of forests for commercial logging, mining, and agriculture has severely impacted their habitat, leaving them with few areas to live and hunt. Poaching is also a significant threat to the Philippine Eagle, as it is highly valued for its beauty and perceived medicinal properties. Additionally, the eagle's habitat is often difficult to access, making it an easy target for poachers. The extinction of the Philippine Eagle would have severe implications for the environment and the local communities. The eagle is considered an apex predator, subsequently acting as a keystone species for its ecosystem. Its extinction would have a domino effect on the entire ecosystem, leading to an increase in the population of prey species and a decrease in the population of other predators. Furthermore, the Philippine Eagle is an important cultural symbol for the Filipino people, who view it as a symbol of strength and freedom. Its extinction would be a significant loss for the country's cultural heritage.

The cultural importance the Philippine Eagle serves has helped to establish itself as a flagship species. This is the very concept that the WWF utilizes with the panda. Flagship species connect to individuals, bringing about awareness and a sense of urgency. Such an approach has helped greatly with the preservation of the Philippine Eagle, but much-needed stricter government regulations must be established in the future to consolidate the safety of the Philippines Eagle and wildlife species in general.  
Photo of the Philippine Eagle


  • Philippines Former E-gen Ambassador Alex Kim
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James Mentor

  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Alex! This is your mentor James!
    First of all, so sorry for the late comment!

    I see that you have listed the key reasons why maintaining biodiversity is such an important role of our society. In my personal opinion, protecting wildlife and preserving endangered species should be considered more as a "responsibility" rather than mere voluntary work since afterall, it's from our own doing, isn't it?

    Thanks for the meaningful report! Looking forward to reading your next one!
    Posted 05-05-2023 14:34

Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello Alex! This is your mentor Yewon.

    Thank you for sharing your opinion and information about wildlife preservation! I totally agree with the reasons why we should preserve the wildlife that you mentioned above. Especially I think the aesthetic value of biodiversity is as important as other factors such as ecological stability and economic benefit!

    Furthermore, you explained 'Philippine Eagle' with a picture of it! I hope that Philippine Eagle could be well-preserved!

    Thank you again for your hard work!
    Posted 30-03-2023 14:36

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