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by Godfred Owusu | 15-06-2023 01:50 recommendations 1

Biodiversity loss refers to the decline or disappearance of biological diversity, understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, its different levels of biological organisation and their respective genetic variability, as well as the natural patterns present in ecosystems .understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, its different levels of biological organisation and their respective genetic variability, as well as the natural patterns present in ecosystems.understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, its different levels of biological organisation and their respective genetic variability, as well as the natural patterns present in ecosystems.Biodiversity loss, however, is not just confined to the land. Life in the oceans is being threatened by overfishing, habitat degradation, pollution, and acidification due to rising carbon dioxide levels in the sea water. Corals, for example, have undergone dramatic declines since the mid-1990s.The IPBES identified the five direct drivers of biodiversity loss as changing use of sea and land, direct exploitation of organisms, climate change, pollution and invasive non-native species.22 Dec 2022.

Biodiversity or the variety of all living things on our planet, has been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, mainly due to human activities, such as land use changes, pollution and climate change.The Earth's biodiversity is the result of 4 billion years of evolution — change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Up until about 600 million years ago, life consisted of single-celled organisms.What are 3 effects of biodiversity loss?  Such disturbances reduce the abundance of some organisms, cause population growth in others, alter interactions between organisms, and alter  interactions between organisms and their environment. their physical and chemical fields. Infectious disease models are very sensitive to these disorders. 

Biodiversity is the foundation of the planet's health and has a direct effect on all of us. Reduced biodiversity, in simple terms, means that millions of people are exposed to pests and disease and that fresh water is in short supply. Monkeypox, covid-19, aids, lyme disease, dengue fever, and zika are among the diseases cited. ¡°the increasing prevalence of infectious pathogens is attributed to a growing anthropogenic effect on nature,¡± a biodiversity and conservation article from 2020.

Some of the measures to conserve biodiversity:
  Buy sustainable and fair trade products. ... Removes garden and lawn  chemicals. ...  Plant trees with our biodiversity projects. ...Protect the local habitat. ...  Eat local and organic as much as possible. ...  Create an array of biodiversity  in your garden. ... Raising awareness of young people about biodiversity. ...  Start composting the kitchen garbage.


  • Ghana Former E-gen Ambassador Godfred Owusu
  • recommend


Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello again Godfred! This is your mentor Yewon.

    You have written a report about biodiversity loss and its effects.
    Biodiversity is a very important factor that contributes to the status of the ecosystem.
    I deeply agree with your sentence that 'Biodiversity is the foundation of the planet's health and has a direct effect on all of us'!

    Thank you for your meaningful report! Great job!
    Posted 23-08-2023 12:05

  • James Mentor says :
    Hello again Godfred! This is your mentor James.

    This time, you've elaborated on biodiversity loss in our current environment and the critical effects followed by the ecosystem disruption. Overexploitation and illegal poaching seems to be direct causes of endangering animal species in the wild. Climate change is also a crucial factor indeed! Consuming eco-friendly and fairly-traded products and raising awareness of specific animal species in the public would definitely bring positive effects to the current crisis.

    Thank you for writing such a meaningful report! Let's keep up the great work.
    Posted 07-07-2023 12:10

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