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by Serah Emiade | 17-06-2023 03:11 recommendations 1


The environment is a vital component of our lives and is critical to our survival and well-being. However, the actions of humans have resulted in severe environmental degradation, including climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. In response, sustainable means have been developed to help us maintain and protect the environment for future generations.

In Nigeria, environmental challenges abound. Pollution from oil spills, gas flaring, and other forms of environmental degradation are common in the Niger Delta region. Additionally, deforestation, desertification, and erosion pose significant threats to the country's environment.

One of the most effective ways to protect the environment is through sustainable development. This means promoting economic growth while preserving the environment and natural resources for future generations. Sustainable development can take many forms, including renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-tourism.

In Nigeria, there are numerous opportunities for sustainable development. The country has abundant natural resources, including wind, solar, and hydroelectric power.

There is also great potential for sustainable agriculture, with vast areas of arable land and a growing population that requires food.

Additionally, eco-tourism could provide a sustainable source of income, as Nigeria is home to numerous natural wonders, including waterfalls, wildlife reserves, and beaches.

To achieve sustainable development in Nigeria, it is crucial to prioritize the environment in policy and decision-making. This means enacting and enforcing environmental regulations, promoting clean energy, and investing in sustainable infrastructure.

Additionally, public education and awareness campaigns can help promote environmental sustainability and encourage individuals to make environmentally responsible choices.

Finally, it is essential to acknowledge that environmental sustainability is a global issue that requires collective action. Individuals, governments, and corporations must work together to reduce their environmental impact and preserve the environment for future generations. In Nigeria, this means working with other countries and international organizations to address environmental challenges, including climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.

In a nutshell, protecting the environment is crucial for our survival and well-being, and sustainable development provides a means of achieving this goal. In Nigeria, there are numerous opportunities for sustainable development, and it is crucial to prioritize the environment in policy and decision-making. By working together, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

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  • Dormant user Serah Emiade
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Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello Serah! This is your mentor Yewon.

    Before I start, I apologize for the late comment.

    You have written a report about several sustainable means to keep the earth clean!
    Among the means you mentioned in your report, eco-tourism is interesting in terms of pursuing both economical benefits and sustainability!

    Thank you for your meaningful report! Great job!
    Posted 23-08-2023 13:17

  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Serah! This is your mentor James.

    First of all, sorry for the late comments!

    I see that you've mentioned about sustainable development and the means of doing so! Among your suggestions, transition to renewable energy sources would be certainly effective in promoting efficient local energy supply systems and lowering waste gas emissions!

    Thank you for writing such a meaningful report! Let's keep up the great work.
    Posted 07-07-2023 13:23

  • Serah Emiade says :
    @Richard, here I am😊, Thank you Richard
    Posted 25-06-2023 04:27

  • Serah Emiade says :
    Thank you @Godfred Owusu

    Posted 25-06-2023 04:26

Richard Adayi

  • Richard Adayi says :
    Ah Serah here you are, great reading you! I remember seeing the name on EG's fb page
    Posted 19-06-2023 11:58

Godfred Owusu

  • Godfred Owusu says :
    Amazing article from you! Hope to see more
    Posted 18-06-2023 02:35

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