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[Free Report, July] Textile Industry And Climate Change

by Prince Foley | 20-08-2023 04:33 recommendations 0

The textile sector is a major contributor to climate change through its energy, water and chemical use for producing cotton, wool, clothing and footwear. For example, one tonne of nitrogen fertiliser emits greenhouse gases equivalent to almost seven tonnes of CO2.

During the washing process of synthetic textiles such as nylon or polyester, friction between fabric's fibres releases plastic microfibres, stipulated to be around 0,5 million tonnes per year. But the pollution from the fibres of so-called natural textiles is also quite worrying.

According to a study by Aalto University, the fashion industry contributes to 10% of global pollution and it is the second largest industrial polluter after aviation. The industry produces more than 92 million tonnes of waste per year while consuming a staggering amount of 79 billion litres of water each year.

Fast fashion causes clothes production in unacceptable quantities to have a shorter and shorter life cycle. Then, textiles often end up in landfill sites.
We currently have several ways to soften the impact, such as producing less, reusing more, and transforming the part of the waste that cannot be recycled by treating it separately or as part of municipal solid waste. 
Landfill mining, on the other hand, allows us to open up closed or abandoned landfills to extract and exploit buried waste. Doing so allows us to reduce pollution, recover land and rehabilitate soils. 

Berg, A., Granskog, A., Lee, L., and Magnus, K.-H. (2021). Fashion on climate - how the fashion industry can urgently act to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. McKinsey and Company and Global Fashion Agenda.
Chen, X., Memon, H. A., Wang, Y., Marriam, I., and Tebyetekerwa, M. (2021). Circular Economy and sustainability of the clothing and textile Industry. Mat. Circ. Econ. 3 (1), 12–19. doi:10.1007/s42824-021-00026-2
Bukhari, M. A., Carrasco-Gallego, R., and Ponce-Cueto, E. (2018). Developing a national programme for textiles and clothing recovery. Waste Manag. Res. 36 (4), 321–331. doi:10.1177/0734242x18759190


  • Malawi Youth Prince Foley
  • recommend


Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello again Prince! This is your mentor Yewon.
    In this report, you have written about textile industry and climate change!
    It was quite an interesting topic, and I think we should not consume so much clothes since the waste from this pollutes the environment!
    Thank you for your meaningful report! Great job!
    Posted 31-08-2023 06:22

  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Prince! This is your mentor James!

    I learned from your article how much the fashion industry affects environmental pollution. I hope the day will come when new technologies can be introduced in the fashion industry as soon as possible to preserve the environment.

    Thank you for your fantastic work! Let's keep it up with your next report as well.
    Posted 25-08-2023 14:51

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