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[August Thematic Report] Water and Food Crisis in Madagascar

by Barisoa Nancy Andriamiarimbola | 22-08-2023 22:25 recommendations 1

Ensuring Tomorrow's Plate
Navigating Food & Water Security in Madagascar

Picture Source : https://www.wateraid.org/au/sites/g/files/jkxoof231/files/styles/social_image/public/_73A6389.JPG?h=f2fcf546&itok=cJSofsoT

Madagascar, renowned for its unique biodiversity and stunning landscapes, faces an intricate challenge: the intricate balance between sustaining food and water resources amidst environmental vulnerabilities.

Madagascar's Water Crisis

Southern Madagascar is grappling with a severe water crisis that threatens the livelihoods of its communities and the ecosystem's delicate balance. As climate change intensifies, prolonged droughts have become distressingly common, leaving once-lush landscapes parched and rivers dried up. This crisis has led to drastic consequences, including dwindling agricultural yields, livestock losses, and increased vulnerability for already marginalized populations. Families are forced to walk hours in search of water, and the scarcity has given rise to conflicts over limited resources. Urgent intervention is needed to address this unfolding humanitarian and environmental catastrophe, ensuring access to clean water for both immediate survival and the long-term resilience of the region.

Food Crisis in Africa

Picture : https://adra.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Day-6-03280-scaled.jpg

Across Africa, food crises continue to cast a shadow of uncertainty over millions of lives. A complex interplay of factors, including climate change, economic instability, and conflicts, has propelled many regions into a state of perpetual food insecurity. Erratic weather patterns disrupt agricultural cycles, leading to crop failures and diminished food production. Economic disparities exacerbate the problem, making nutritious food unaffordable for vast segments of the population. Moreover, conflicts displace communities, disrupt supply chains, and destabilize local markets. The devastating consequences are undeniable, with malnutrition and hunger reaching alarming levels. Urgent action is imperative to address these crises, incorporating strategies that focus on sustainable agricultural practices, efficient food distribution, and social support systems to ensure that no one on the continent goes to bed hungry.

So what can we do as a youth ?

Picture : Screenshot of my social media "Never waste even a drop of water. No water, no life. No blue, no green."

Together, we have the power to make a tangible impact on a pressing issue that affects us all: water scarcity. I invite you to watch the video I've crafted, dedicated to raising awareness about the critical importance of water conservation. By sharing this video and joining the conversation, you have the opportunity to contribute to positive change. Let's unite our voices and actions to ensure a sustainable and abundant water future for generations to come. Watch the video and be part of the movement for change! Link : https://web.facebook.com/barisoanancy/videos/493785032628305

Remember: every grain saved and every drop preserved is a step towards nurturing a more equitable and sustainable world.

The stark realities of food and water crises are pervasive, particularly in Africa. Communities across the continent grapple with the daunting challenge of securing adequate sustenance and clean water sources. In the face of this pressing issue, it becomes even more crucial to embrace conscious consumption practices. Let us remember that each morsel of food and every drop of water wasted contributes to the widening gap between availability and demand. By valuing and conserving these precious resources, we not only address immediate crises but also pave the way for a more sustainable future for all.

Barisoa NancyAndriamiarimbola

  • Madagascar Former E-gen Ambassador Barisoa Nancy Andriamiarimbola
  • recommend


Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello again Barisoa! This is your mentor Yewon.
    You have written an interesting report about water and food security in Madagascar, which was our last theme.
    The part where you explained the youth's responsibility is very impressive, and I think this TUNZA activity is one of those works that we can do to raise awareness!
    Thank you for your hard work. Great job!
    Posted 30-08-2023 09:24

Godfred Owusu Bempah

  • Godfred Owusu Bempah says :
    Very briliant work! Let's keep changing our society in a positive way
    Posted 24-08-2023 19:36


    Kudos Amb. Barisoa Nancy Andriamiarimbola, on shedding light on Madagascar's intricate food and water challenge. The water crisis in Southern Madagascar, intensified by climate change, underscores the urgent need for clean water access. Simultaneously, Africa's food crises, driven by climate shifts and conflicts, demand immediate action. As youth, we hold the power to raise awareness, conserve water, and address these pressing issues together. Let's join hands for sustainable change.
    Posted 23-08-2023 23:14

  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Barisoa! This is your mentor James!

    This article provides a good explanation of the problems facing Madagascar and the causes and solutions. I hope many people will see your writing and get a better perception of environmental improvement.

    Thank you for your fantastic work! Let's keep it up with your next report as well.
    Posted 23-08-2023 08:06

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