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Free Report [ September] [ Environmental Consequences of Tarbela Dam in KPK Pakistan]

by Abdullah khalid | 09-09-2023 15:04 recommendations 0

The Tarbela Dam Hydropower Project is located in the plain region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It has long been a symbol of progress and energy generation for the country. However, beneath its towering concrete walls and impressive energy output, lies an environmental story that warrants closer examination.
The Tarbela Dam was completed in the early 1970s. Primarily, its purpose was to harness the power of the Indus River and provide electricity, irrigation water, and flood control for the region. Over the years, it has contributed significantly to Pakistan's energy needs and agricultural productivity without no doubt but it's not without its environmental consequences.
One key aspect of assessing the environmental impact of the Tarbela Dam is the alteration of the local ecosystem. The creation of a massive reservoir and the regulation of water flow have disrupted natural habitats and ecosystems, leading to changes in the biodiversity of the region. It's crucial to study how these alterations affect indigenous plant and animal species, as well as the overall ecological balance.
Water quality is another vital concern. The dam traps sediments and alters water temperature, impacting aquatic life downstream. Assessing these changes in water quality and their implications on aquatic ecosystems and downstream communities is essential.
The Tarbela Dam has also led to the displacement of communities. People who once lived in the dam's inundation zone had to be relocated, often facing challenges in adapting to their new environments. Understanding the social and economic impacts of this displacement is a critical part of the environmental assessment.
Lastly, long-term sustainability is a key factor. How will the Tarbela Dam cope with changing climate patterns, such as altered rainfall and glacial melt in the Himalayas, which feed the Indus River? Evaluating the dam's resilience and adaptability to these changes is essential for ensuring its continued positive contributions without causing undue harm. 

1) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270272748_Environmental_Impacts_of_Small_Dams_on_Agriculture_and_Ground_Water_Development_A_Case_Study_of_Khanpur_Dam_Pakistan
2) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378377407001357?via%3Dihub
3) H. Mushtaq, M. B. Khan, H. R. Khan and M. A. Zahoor, "Economic evaluation of Tarbela dam," 2015 Power Generation System and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), Islamabad, Pakistan, 2015, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/PGSRET.2015.7312246. keywords: {Economics;Water resources;Rivers;Irrigation;Software;Hydroelectric power generation;Hydro Power;Water Management;Economic Benefits},



  • Pakistan Youth Abdullah khalid
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello, I'm mentor Sanghyeon.
    Hydroelectricity, well known as renewable energy, actually has environmental problems hidden behind it. It was a good article for raising these issues critically well.
    Thank you for the good article.
    Posted 28-09-2023 17:01

Emmanuel  Dassah

  • Emmanuel Dassah says :
    Great work. Can't stop reading it
    Posted 19-09-2023 10:33

Emmanuel  Dassah

  • Emmanuel Dassah says :
    Thank you for such an educative write up
    Posted 17-09-2023 11:59

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun!
    It's interesting to know how Tarbela Dam affects both the environment and human communities. As Bruno Troya mentioned, you wrote about some of the aspect that are overlooked when people develop certain areas. Great job!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 12-09-2023 16:04

Bruno Troya

  • Bruno Troya says :
    Hey Abdullah, your report on the Tarbela Dam's environmental impact really dives deep into an often-overlooked aspect of development. It's like uncovering the hidden side of progress! Keep shedding light on these important issues, and let's hope for a greener and more sustainable future!
    Posted 10-09-2023 01:09

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