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Monthly Thematic Report September- Ecuador's Quest for Energy Security

by Bruno Troya | 10-09-2023 10:10 recommendations 1

Ecuador's Quest for Energy Security: Triumphs and Trials


Ecuador excels in energy security and equity, but sustainability is a concern due to heavy reliance on hydroelectric power, making it vulnerable to climate uncertainties.


In a world where energy dynamics are constantly evolving, Ecuador finds itself at a critical juncture in its collective pursuit of energy security. The importance of securing reliable and sustainable energy sources cannot be overstated, given their pivotal role in shaping the nation's socio-economic landscape. In this report, we navigate through Ecuador's energy security terrain, uncovering transformative changes in its energy mix, and examining the critical challenges it confronts in ensuring a stable energy supply.


Ecuador's Energy Security Journey:

Since 2015, Ecuador has maintained a steadfast presence within the World Energy Council (WEC) Energy Security Index. This influential index evaluates countries across various dimensions of energy security, with Ecuador securing a notable "B" grade in both energy security and energy equity. Crucially, Ecuador's energy security strength shines through with a rating that stands 0.75 standard deviations above the global average, underscoring its relative prowess in this domain. While Ecuador has reason to celebrate this achievement, a "C" rating in sustainability, registering 0.75 standard deviations below the global average, points to areas that warrant improvement.


Ecuador's commendable standing is largely attributed to strategic investments in renewable energy sources, with hydroelectric power leading the way. The period spanning 2015 to 2017 witnessed Ecuador's judicious allocation of resources into innovative hydroelectric projects, resulting in a profound transformation of the nation's energy landscape. Presently, hydroelectric power dominates, contributing a substantial 93.53% to Ecuador's energy supply. This transition has been bolstered by significant infrastructure enhancements, designed to accommodate both hydroelectric and fossil fuel-based energy consumption, while reinforcing the resilience of the supply network.


Navigating Challenges on the Path to Energy:

Nevertheless, Ecuador's energy security journey is not without its share of challenges. Heavy reliance on hydroelectric generation, predominantly located in the eastern region, exposes the nation to climatic uncertainties and recurrent droughts. Moreover, Ecuador's dependence on imported fuels for thermal generation, coupled with population growth and economic fluctuations, underlines the pressing need for comprehensive energy security strategies within the electric power generation sector.


A Glimpse into Tomorrow:

The exploration into Ecuador's potential energy security futures yields enlightening insights. In the realm of optimism, the energy security index rises to 0.73, signifying a robust 10.4% growth compared to baseline projections for the year 2050. Conversely, in a less optimistic scenario , the index stands at 0.64, representing a 4% decline relative to the baseline projection for the same year.


Ecuador's energy security narrative is a collective story, replete with achievements and challenges. The nation's commitment to diversify its energy mix and address vulnerabilities tied to hydroelectric dependence and climate variability is commendable. While progress is notable, continued research and strategic action remain essential to guide Ecuador toward a brighter future on the global energy security stage.



Icaza, D., Borge-Diez, D., & Galindo, S. P. (2021). Proposal of 100% renewable energy production for the City of Cuenca-Ecuador by 2050. Renewable Energy, 170, 1324-1341.

Reinoso, F. Z., Jara, N. G., Nieto, C., Gallón, L., & Vivar, F. (2019). Ecuador's energy security index: A Systems Dynamics approach.



  • Ecuador Former E-gen Ambassador Bruno Troya
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SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello, I'm mentor Sanghyeon.
    The high dependence on hydroelectric power is also a big problem. Just as diversity is important in biodiversity matters. Ecuador seems to need a solution for this situation.
    Thank you for the good article.
    Posted 28-09-2023 17:15

Emmanuel  Dassah

  • Emmanuel Dassah says :
    Thank you for this great article
    Posted 18-09-2023 10:10

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is your mentor Seeun!
    It seems Ecuador certainly has energy security and equity under control! Of course, more work needs to be done about sustainalbility, but that is a problem that the whole world is trying to solve, so I think Ecuador's achievements are quite impressive.
    Thank you for the great article, and good luck on your next one!
    Posted 13-09-2023 10:52

Bruno Troya

  • Bruno Troya says :
    As we dive into Ecuador's energy security journey, it's impossible not to feel the significance of Ecuador's achievements and the urgency of its challenges, especially in the realm of sustainability. Ecuador's unwavering commitment to diversifying its energy sources and addressing the risks tied to hydroelectric dependence is truly inspiring !
    Posted 10-09-2023 10:14

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